All member classes can now download without the need to donate but please seed back also if you want you can contribute //staff
We are back! It took us almost 3 weeks to find a suitable intermediary server but our "fracas" with our former ISP in December forced our hand to...
2016-01-18 - FREELEECH: OFF
2016-01-15 - Freeleech has been extended until the end of the weekend. Please finish your downloads by Sunday evening.
Hola a todos !!! Queremos recordar que tenemos a disposición un post el cuál se pueden poner las próximas subidas ha realizar, para reservar...
We had many requests to continue VIP offer, and now it has been extended until further notice. It will be available for next 2-3 months at least...
We are almost back! This page is already served by us. We still need a couple of days to properly test everything. We are running a completely new...
Such sad news. His genius and work will always be with us but the man will surely be missed. All David Bowie torrents will be set to ratio free...
(1)本站允许使用的客户端列表加入qBittorrent,谢谢提出申请的会员。 (2)David Bowie的种子Free三天,逝者已逝,唯音乐留存。资源链接:David Bowie's torrents OpenCD管理组 2016.01.11...
Hi everyone, hope you had a great new years, and welcome to 2016! Just want to let everyone know FREELEECH will be ending on January 15th! So...
Updates updates updates: I wanted to give it a week before really announcing, but the new server seems stable and is operating smoothly and the...
2016-01-06 - Hi everyone, hope you had a great new years, and welcome to 2016! Just want to let everyone know FREELEECH will be ending on January...
Ratio Free and other thoughts Just a reminder that our ratio free period will end on January 2nd-ish. Thank you everyone for another great year...
Some members have reported that they are getting tracker failure notices. The problem is not widespread, but if you are experiencing this you can...
Tracker Failure issues Some members have reported that they are getting tracker failure notices. The problem is not widespread, but if you are...
As an official announcement does not exist, Free Leech is currently active.
Dear members. First of all want to say THANKS to all members who support us during last years. This helped us to survive and pay for servers,...
Merry christmas everyone !! freeleech: on
Limited Christmas offer. No Ratio and unlimited downloads for a whole year. Dear members. First of all want to say THANKS to all members who...
Guys just a reminder about torrent comments. Please see this torrent comment thread. No Thanks on torrent comments!
Sziasztok! Az év hátralévő napjaiban az oldalon meghívó nélkül lehet regisztrálni, azaz 21.-től egészen 03.-ig nyitva lesz az oldal! Ez persze...
AudioNews Quote: Dear members! We are now under large DDoS attack. We expect service to return to normal very shortly. Stay tuned.
AudioNews News Dear members! We are now under large DDoS attack. We expect service to return to normal very shortly. Stay tuned.
Az oldalon lecseréltük 213 db felhasználónak a jelszavát mert meg egyezett egy publikus listával, az érintetteknek elküldtük emailban az új...
Lately e-mails from jpopsuki stopped reaching users with Microsoft mailboxes (, @, @ If you plan on forgetting...