We're back! Things will be shaky for a while - do expect temporary issues while we sort it out. Known issues: Share rank will fluctuate wildly...
Az oldalon lecseréltük 213 db felhasználónak a jelszavát mert meg egyezett egy publikus listával, az érintetteknek elküldtük emailban az új...
2015-12-07 - Hi everyone, we're pimping our annual VIP promotion again as we do every year. Any donations made starting today until the end of...
Mail problems! Lately e-mails from jpopsuki stopped reaching users with Microsoft mailboxes (@hotmail.com, @ outlook.com, @live.com). If you plan...
:: Boldog Mikulást! # 2015-12-05 16:09:18 | Írta: Staff [IMG]
Az adventi időszak Advent a karácsony (december 25.) előtti negyedik vasárnappal – más megfogalmazásban a Szent András apostol napjához (november...
Invites Quote: Hi All, You'll notice that all your invites have been zeroed out and no one has any. I did this because we have a member/s who is...
Our server is down for good but rest assured, we will have a new libble. We have backups (and backups of those backups). Currently we are...
LzTr is moving "We're moving to lztr.ME - lztr.us will expire next year. New address can and should be used now and in future. "Time to update...
Delays delays delays... Quote: Guys, the RL got to me and I fell off the grid for over 2 months. This delayed all our site projects and...
torrenTech is celebrating NINE lovely years and we have a giant birthday present for YOU! Our Birthday Freeleech will begin on Saturday, November...
Happy 9th Birthday torrenTech! torrenTech is celebrating NINE lovely years and we have a giant birthday present for YOU! Our Birthday Freeleech...
Celebrate Singles Day To celebrate the holy Singles Day, we will enable the invite system for 72 hours on November 10-12(GMT+8). Please do not...
One Week Left for the Horror Upload Contest! Hey trick or treaters! Just a quick update to let you know that there is only one week left to...
[IMG] >>> Hamarosan Halloween játék...
We are having some major issues right now and LF is working diligently to fix them. I was going to make a page in the forum for members to post...
Since even before the birth of muTracker, we've had an interesting history - the initial idea spawned by enthusiatic /mu/tants, with the goal of...
2015-09-20 - TranceTraffic Radio (September 2015) We're currently streaming an unannounced radio session. A̶̶̶N̶̶̶T̶̶̶i̶̶̶P̶̶̶0̶̶̶D̶̶̶...
We are aware of issues that do not update your download/upload ratio. We will investigate. For now, enjoy the freeleech if your ratio is not...
2015-09-04 - We are aware of issues that do not update your download/upload ratio. We will investigate. For now, enjoy the freeleech if your ratio...
Updates Quote: Hey guys, we'll be moving behind cloudflare upcoming day(s). As a result the ssl certificate will change - no reason for concern....
Free-reg vége! Regisztrálni csak meghívókóddal lehet..
Site project preview: MFSL Ultradisc Discography Quote: This is a preview of a project that will be started on (and embedded into) the new site:...
Sziasztok! Ezennel a Seed játékot lezártuk már nem lehet extra pontokat szerezni a halott torrentek vissza állásával, köszönjük a részvételt...
Sziasztok! Az oldal közelgő születésnapja alkalmából a mai naptól azaz 17-től 31-ig meghívó nélkül lehet bekerülni az oldalra, használjátok ki...
Baldy's Sweetness: August 2015 (Emo) Quote: All relevant uploaded torrents will be freeleech for the month. [MEDIA]
2015-08-10 - Hello TTZens, I will be leaving the country for 2 weeks on vacation. I will not be around to confirm/promote any donating users in...