DJ's Wanted Not to play music and such please read FAQ for different user classes.Time to bring some fresh blood into our team so if you are a...
For those who have asked... Public Service Announcement We have updated the donations system to allow it to automatically update the Upload and...
FREE REGISTRATION - CLOSED Registration will be available from 2/3/2013 till 3/3/2013
Welcome SkullZ bye SaM Both groups belongs to SaM Tracker if you didn't knew that already now it's been clarified.We will give up on SaM group...
Baldy's Sweetness: February 2013 [IMG] INSTRUMENTAL HIP HOP
Zárt reg-Meghívás Zárt regisztráció!A meghívóküldés aktív! Zenefüggő hozzáadása itt! [IMG] (Aki felhasználja mind az 5 meghívóját, 5GB...
Tickets System Here at iFR we have a ticket system for all different types of site related issues. If you feel that you need to...
Donations Progress Help SaM to go 100% in donations.Nooo we don't have problems with the bills but we are looking forward to get more...
what a wonderful shot [IMG] Denver 11 30 1994- a Seaweed1010 Image, much LLove!
NEW RULES for packing torrents. Since now you can pack your upload as you wish, with the exception of scene releases. These must not be altered...
Abuse - (snoop) We gave out invites for you guys to invite your friends instead you brought us many bad users randomly chosen so we had to...
NEW Community Mixtape Signup [IMG] Sign up now for our next community mixtape, KILL THE COP IN YOUR MIND here.
Contest Modification So, in order to make things a little bit more interesting, we have decided to modify the contest a little bit....
Staff AOTY picks! In other news, the Staff and FLS have picked their favorite albums of the year. All of these releases will be free-leech...
TorrentStar 2012 Competition Torrent Star 2012 This competition is owned and started by the Audionews Team next Orginizer. Participants...
Contest Time Again! Brought to you again by: [IMG] We have decided that now is as good a time as any to start a large contest. So,...
Freeleech: ON Double Upload: ON
Invites Given More invites to the people.Yes we gave everyone 5 more invites since many of you we're all off and new users had none so go...
Recruiting - (snoop) We are looking to recruit members for the following" 1) Forum Managers ( must keep the forums clean,create useful...
Whitelist Update - [Discuss Here] We have went ahead and whitelisted uTorrent 3.2.3 as per a few requests. If there turns out to be any...
Final Site is here finally.We took over despite our lack of activity lately and redone the final version of the site.Your feedback is highly...
After a big pause, we're back with Re-Drum's new album... Illegal Narcotic Ride is album with an unusual atmosphere. Samples from 60ies and...
Double Upload: OFF Freeleech: OFF
Uploading Issue - [Discuss Here] For some reason there is a major issue with uploading, it just plain isnt working no matter what...
FullMixMusic - Fülelj!<---KATT és játsz! [IMG]
Aki nem tud belépni a fiókjával az kérjen új jelszót!
New Hardware purchased,User cap increased and Signups are open. As we wrote before this year we have big plans for the site.Time is not our...
2013 is here so we had to change a little the code that came with a new look since we are planning to have a stronger site this...