AoTM: March Round 2 Winner & April Round 1 Voting Open AoTM March Round 2 Voting has closed and we have a winner! AoTM March Round 2 Winner:...
Fingers crossed It has been three days now. With luck, the attacks on the tracker have stopped. The inactivity reaper was suspended during the...
[IMG] AoTM: March Round 1 Winner & Round 2 Voting is Open AoTM March Round 1 Voting has closed and we have a winner! AoTM March Round 1 Winner:...
Tracker is the target of a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) You will just have to be patient until the skript kiddies get bored. In the...
I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that traditionally, some of the most convoluted code in Gazelle deals with logging...
[IMG] AoTM: February Round 2 Winner & Round 3 Voting is Open AoTM February Round 2 Voting has closed and we have a winner! AoTM February Round 2...
There have been two recent code changes regarding uploading to which I would like to draw your attention. This is to allow more material on site,...
[IMG] AoTM: February Round 1 Winner & Round 2 Voting is Open AoTM February Round 1 Voting has closed and we have a winner! AoTM February Round 1...
[IMG] AoTM: January Round 2 Winner & February Round 1 Voting is Open AoTM January Round 2 Voting has closed and we have a winner! AoTM January...
Sziasztok! Orpheus meghívót szeretnék kérni, régebben a Whatcd-n aktív tag voltam, sajnos azóta nem sikerült bekerülnöm máshova.
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 6 hours.
[IMG] AoTM: December Winner & January Round 1 Voting is Open AoTM December Voting has closed and we have a winner! AoTM December Winner: Ol'...
Hali orpheus meghívót keresek akinek van írjon.köszönöm!
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 3 hours.
(HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker is unstable for the past few hours. Announces don't function periodically.
szevasztok szeretnék kérni egy meghivot vigyázok rá elöre is köszi
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 16 hours.
And so a most unpleasant year draws to a close. Let us all hope that next year will be better (then again, it could hardly be worse). Thank-you...
Site is offline. "Do not adjust your set The backend is not responding. Wait a minute or two and your favorite site will return."
Tracker is offline, we are investigating.
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 2 hours. IRC Service "hermes" is offline.
Torrent Grouping and API Tokens Torrent Grouping The torrent grouping setting/feature has been worked on and fixed such that it should now work...
Site will undergo maintenance at 12:00 UTC today for ~30 min
The 2020 Autumn/Fall/Spring Equinox Update The Next Contest! We will be launching a new contest in the coming days, all that is needed are the...
[IMG] AoTM: August Round 3 Winner & August Round 4 Voting is Open AoTM August Round 3 Voting has closed and we have a winner! August Round 3...
AoTM: August Round 1 Winner & August Round 2 Voting Open AoTM August Round 1 Voting has closed and we have a winner! August Round 1 Winner: R****...
Changes to the AJAX torrent endpoint A quick heads-up to people who use this, a couple of fields have been added. In the group section, there is...
AoTM August Voting (Round 1) AoTM August Voting (Round 1) is open. Voting is open for one week and all nominations are Neutral Leech. Due to...