V2 no longer generates bonus points As mentioned in the mid-year announcement, MP3 V2 is no longer an officially recognized format and will...
The moment you have all been waiting for, it... The 2020 Mid-Year Solstice Update It has been a while coming and last it is here, a collection...
Personal Collage Changes Personal collages are no longer tied to user class and can now be purchased in the bonus store for 2,500 (doubling for...
AoTM: March-May Winner & June-July Voting is Open AoTM March-May Voting has closed and we have a winner! AoTM March-May Winner: Stevie Wonder -...
AoTM: February Winner & March-May Voting is Open AoTM February Voting has closed and we have a winner! AoTM February Winner: Pixies - Doolittle...
AoTM: The Return We are happy to announce the return of Album of the Month. We have some catching up to do, so this month we will be having...
Server is down
The 2020 Mid-Year Update The moment you have all been waiting for, it's... The 2020 Mid-Year Solstice Update It has been a while coming and...
Scheduled Maintenance Is In Progress
Planned maintenance tomorrow for a hardware upgrade Site will be offline from around 09:30 UTC tomorrow (July 14) for a hardware upgrade. I will...
Site is experiencing connectivity issues due to invalid SSL certificate.
Website, (HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker & Torrent Announcer are offline for the past 1 hour.
Site is down. "The backend is not responding. Wait a minute or two and your favorite site will return."
Unread read messages in your inbox? I recently broke the notification of new replies to private messages, which was dumb, but Gazelle has a way...
Following a code update, some people have received a System message Saying their leeching privileges are disabled due to insufficient ratio, when...
Site stability and network blues People looking at trackerstatus.info may have noticed that connectivity has not been perfect recently. This...
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 3 hours. IRC Service "hermes" is offline.
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 1 hour.
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 4 hours.
Site will be going into maintainance mode at 16:00 UTC for an hour.
Do not adjust your set [ATTACH] Maintenance is underway on the site. It will return when everything is done. Join IRC for more information....
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 10 hours.
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 15 hours.
The real C-* update With over one billion people currently in confinement around the world, people need some new music to listen to. To that...
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 3 hours.
The COVID-19 / Equinox Update Recovery When Orpheus launched, we had managed to secure an old backup from the previous site. This was used...
HTTPS Tracker is experiencing some connectivity issues for the past 3 hours. Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 7 days.
Helló ncore meghivot cserélek TranceTraffic . Empornium.iptorrents.passthepopcorn.Orpheus.meghívóra.
Strengthened SSL Security The SSL configuration on Orpheus has been upgraded (the https part in the website). As such, the site now scores an A+...
We will be performing maintenance on the IRC server around 12:00 UTC on March 7th. Discuss this post here