IRC Server is offline for the past 1 hour.
Website & Tracker are offline for the past 1 hour. Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 3 days.
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 1 day.
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 1 hour. IRC Service "hermes" is offline.
Greetings, If you are on other sites like Orpheus, you will know that there have been problems elsewhere in the past month or more. Latest...
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 3 hours.
Today is the day the UK leaves the European Union. This is not one of their smartest moves, but to cheer you up here is a selection of fine UK...
People of Orpheus, You may not realize it, but the windows of opportunity when staff can synchronize in real-time are few and far between....
AoTM January Voting Voting for January's Album of the Month is now open. Get your votes in here Discuss this post here
Temporary glitch affecting some artists A site update yesterday did not go as smoothly as expected. Some artist pages do not render correctly....
Greetings and Happy New Year to the Orpheus Network! The upload rules have been updated to reflect the direction that Orpheus chose to pursue...
Happy Solstice! In the northern hemisphere, the days are beginning to lengthen as another year ticks by. In the southern hemisphere, the days are...
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 1 hour.
Recently, there have been some (re)uploads of neo-nazi albums. There has been a lot of discussion on the forum since then, over if we should allow...
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 7 hours.
Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 9 hours.
We Are One Year Old It was a wild rollercoaster of a ride getting the the site set up, but we succeeded, and after...
Maintenance is underway on the site. It will return when everything is done. Join IRC for more information. 2019-10-20 This should not take too...
GazelleSync Security Issue If you have used GazelleSync in the past 24 hours, please double check any torrents that were created/uploaded as it...
Site maintenance this weekend Hello beloved people, The site will be offline for a couple of hours this weekend to perform some major database...
Check Notification Settings Due to a recent bug that has since been fixed, if you have tried to save your user settings in the last couple of...
AoTM October Voting Voting for October's Album of the Month is now open. Get your votes in here
AoTM September Voting Voting for September's Album of the Month is now open. Get your votes in here
Password security your account is your responsibility Yesterday, I helped a member recover their account, after someone guessed their password,...
To our beloved donors ... all 1** of you. It has come to my attention that there has been a problem with setting up your donor status (certainly...
Maintenance this Friday The site will be taken offline for an hour or so on Friday morning UTC for kernel upgrades and packages that need to be...
AoTM August Voting Voting for August's Album of the Month is now open. Get your votes in here Discuss this post here
A Bit Of Clarity Orpheus will be music only On Apollo, applications, comic books, ebooks, comedy, audiobooks, and elearning videos were allowed...
Hi folks, Submit your nominations for the next Album of the Month here - forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=2596 Discuss this post here
Update: Hermes has been restored and is back up and running.