Orpheus is under maintenance We should be back up within a few hours. irc.orpheus.network port +7000 for SSL (6667 for non-SSL) #help...
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone! We hope y'all are having a wonderful Christmas, together with all your loved ones. To celebrate this...
Introducing: Ultimate Torrent Master "Another update? Woah..." -Anonymous user Greetings once again! We love keeping y'all apprised on the...
Sweet, Sweet Updates It's been about a week since our last update, so here is a new one for y'all! Log re-scoring Thanks to our very dedicated...
Site is unstable after maintenance. It's up and down for some time now: Quote: Uh-oh! This is what is known as a 504 error.
Maintenance has been finished
Some more updates! Greetings y'all! Here be a few minor announcements to peruse as we continue to become acquainted with Orpheus and each other....
Interviews are open. Join them in IRC. Server: irc.orpheus.network Port: 6667 or +7000 for SSL Channel: #recruitment
There is currently an issue causing most torrents to appear as Personal Freeleech, this is not the case and download will still be counted. See...
Development Pipeline With Orpheus being off the ground and running smoothly, we look forward to where we may bring the site with new features and...
Hello all, as many have pointed out, there was a problem with reassigning upload buffer to members who held accounts on the previous site. The...
Golden Rule 5.1: Do not browse Orpheus using any free proxy or VPN service. You may browse the site through a VPN/proxy only if you have paid...
We have temporarily decreased the time requirement for all user classes to 1 week. This means that many of you will now have the same user class...
An update on the state of buffer and torrent ownership. Torrent Reassignment At the present time, around 200,000 torrents have been reassigned to...
Some Small updates for y'all It has been a few days since our official launch, and so far, things are going pretty smoothly. The coming days we...
Tracker Fixed! We have identified the problem and fixed the bottleneck on the tracker. It should no longer give any timeout/502 errors. If you are...
Welcome Back, Welcome Home! It took an awfully long time, but we are finally back in action! In this announcement, we will explain what has...
https://orpheus.network/login.php Site is live. Welcome Home! If you had an account on Apollo at the time of the backup (June 2017), please use...
Here's the outline of how membership recovery is going to take place: "Membership recovery Some people are in the recovered backup, some are...
Some bumps in the road (2018-10-31 update) Basically, Open Date = whenever we are done fixing. Unfortunately, we have been a bit too optimistic...
From IRC channel: Quote: I apologize for the delay in opening. The tracker software has been posing a problem. We will know in the next 24 hours...
"Announcement: we will not be opening today. The early access has revealed a number of problems. Nothing major, simply things that need to be...
Almost There! (2018-10-18 update) Much progress has been made, and finally, the end is in sight! The old database has been restored, and existing...
Some info from IRC on the signing up process (when it comes to that): <~Athena> current plan is the following <~Athena> 1) if you are in the old...
Today's Post: New IRC server + progress! (2018-10-05 update) As of today, our new Orpheus IRC is open to the public. This server runs on a more...
Although we never had access to any of the main Apollo servers or the domain, one of our staff had access to the IRC server. While browsing this...
As all of you have noticed, Apollo.rip has been down for about a month now. This is due to the personal circumstances of both original sysops, O...
From IRC: Quote: <Spine> Hello, tl;dr no news from O. <Spine> Longer summary, we had a Staff meeting last night with all the mods and admins and...