1. All donated users, please be sure to submit your information correctly, otherwise it will bring great inconvenience to the management team to...
In order to provide more excellent works for everyone, the website now recruits subtitle group members. If you are willing to make a difference...
English Edition. 1. Global freeleech for 48hrs since 2017-11-18 00:00 (GMT+8). 2. The requirement to send invite is lowered to POWER USER for 48...
Happy Birthday! All stations free to 2017/11/21 23:59:59
1. Global freeleech for 48hrs since 2017-11-18 00:00 (GMT + 8). 2. The permission to send invite is reduced to POWER USER for 48 hrs. 3. The...
English Edition. 1. In order to ensure the security of the account, all members need to verify your email address by “recover password”, due by...
Well ~ ~ I suddenly found that some people seem to misunderstand, and this badge is the magic value of the badge, sin guilty, I did not say...
Recently found someone reproduced HosT seeds to the empty ear PT, and unauthorized modification of the suffix, which is a serious violation of the...
2017.10.20 - 取消非影视音分类的通知 | Non-video&audio categories are cancelled 经过管理组商讨,非影视音类资源的种子将会在近期内被删除,相关分类也会被删除,具体如下: 取消的分类:电子书、写真、其他,...
2017.10.05 - Recruitment helper posts helper Official seed: responsible for editing the official seed, modify and improve the official seed...
Translation: Box (SeedBox) rental, a limited number of first come first served Box (SeedBox) configuration: 500G hard drive, available 450G, G...
National Day & Mid-Autumn Festival approaching, OurBits management team members sincerely say to you: "Happy double!" I wish you all have a...
Join requirements: 1, able to do the kind of long-term, 24-hours to do the best kind; 2, upstream bandwidth 4Mbps or more; 3, there is...
OurBits彩蛋活动自开展以来受到不少小伙伴的追捧,在观看影片的同时,也增添不少乐趣,彩蛋活动第二 弹已圆满结束,截止至活动结束为止共有14位小伙伴将彩蛋截图PM管理,经过统计,共有9名小伙伴找出全部...
PbK team for OurBits official suppression group, Provided by Knights referred to, meaning Knight produced, committed to the production, publishing...
Activities Description: In the experience does not affect the normal viewing, in order to enhance the fun of the viewing process, especially in...
Recruitment stickers: 1. HDTV group is recruiting IPV6 network, willing to learn the number of users of HDTV recording. Requirements: Record...
Google Translate: Recently invited to a series of non-compliance with the requirements of the reply, to the management work has brought great...
Recently invited to a series of non-compliance with the requirements of the reply, to the management work has brought great trouble, since...
Welcome new encoding group FFans. So open invitation for three days, and global free until 2017/08/09 23:00. FFans is a group mainly on Chinese...
欢迎iLoveHD小组! | Welcome iLoveHD! 欢迎重编码小组iLoveHD入驻本站,Power User及以上等级用户每人赠送三枚限时邀请,有效期三天,全站free至2017/08/03 23:00。iLoveHD是一个定位于高质量重编码作品的小组,希望大家多多支持。...
Welcome to the Pandora subtitles group site, site free to 2017/07/02 23:59. Welcome new team Pandora! Freeleech until 2017/07/02 23:59....
Adoption system has been released. You will get extra bonus for the torrents you adopted. Adoption Rules What does "adoption" mean? It means...
they have these new rules: Those two new rules will come into operation on 2017/06/18 00:00:00. 1. Members in Peasant and User level can only...
Notification of three messages A few days ago our management team in the daily inspection found several sites selling resources, we finally found...
Nursery Group Recruitment & Conservation Plan & Please come to the latest members please visit http://ourbits.club/faq.php#id39 Seriously check...
Because the registration volume for the convenience of everyone to register, with the prospect of high-level consultation after the following...
Inviting system is open until 2017-05-10 23:59:00.
OurBits Working Group Recruitment OurBits is determined to provide users with rich, high-quality resources, after a period of development, we have...
This site will go down from 24 Apr. for planned maintenance, however, tracker will run normally then.