server upgrades in progress please be aware that we are moving to a more powerful server to accommodate the increased traffic,...
NFL 2012 - Are You Ready For Some Football...??? [IMG] This week we want to give our cummunity members who have a low ratio (.70 or less) or...
2012-09-17 - NEW SITE LOGO'S CONTESTS With PussyTorrents v2 in the midst of going public we have decided to get all you guys and gals fully...
2012-09-12 - PUSSYTORRENTS v2 IS UNDER WAY!! Just a heads up, we are working on our new improved and awesome code, and we want to believe...
Donations If you can afford it, please support Porn Bytes by donating towards monthly server costs, all donations are most appreciated Donate $5...
Update on account security We have already had multiple reports of people gaining unauthorized access to accounts on PB, via the...
NFL (2012) - Pay To Play [IMG] ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL.....??? Check out the Contest Forum and get into the game... Pay-To-Play...
Kedves felhasználók! A mai nap folyamán aktiváltuk a meghívózást. A meghívás belekerült a bónusz rendszerbe, 20000 pontért beváltható 1 meghívó....
Kedves Felhasználók! Szeptember 8-ig a meghívó beváltásának pontszámát 20 pontra csökkentettük! Felhívnám a figyelmeteket arra, hogy a meghívott...
Donations needed for the 15th Thanks to contributing users like you, we have paid our server bill due on the 30th with 85 dollars...
We have been at it again more staff changes Please say a huge [IMG] to Dave for stepping up to Admin. So beware there are more Admins around now...
Szeptemberi akció - z* - 2012-09-01 -18:36 Kedves Felhasználók! Szeptember 8-ig a meghívó beváltásának...
2012-08-24 - TORRENT COMMENTS.... It has come to the Staff attention many users are complaining about screens and covers when making comments....
We still need more donations before the 30th We're still need over 250 dollars in donations in the 7 days, I dont have the money to...
Kedves felhasználók! A nevezési határidő lejárt, a szavazás kiírásra került. Kérjük, segítsetek dönteni, ki idén a Malacka szépe!
Bikinis szépségverseny (z*) - 2012-07-20 08:25 Kedves felhasználók! A nevezési határidő lejárt, a...
We need donations to make our server payments on the 30th I've given up on trying to raise the 'float', its actually gone...
NFL Fux0r Fantasy Football Leagues [IMG] Pre-season is now in swing and after the success of last year's fantasy football...
Staff Changes [IMG] Thanks to everyone this site continues to grow at an amazing rate [IMG] So we decided it was time to expand the staff a...
News update 6 Aug 2012 Pornbay is back online, and we have been forced to make some temportary adjustments for now. We are still testing things...
Underaged and Suggestions of Underaged Porn Ok everyone all too often of recently (and even once is way too often) we have had things reported...
The fux0r 4th birthday celebrations [IMG] 4 years ago, fux0r started off as a humble porn tracker with simple goals. Through time and...
Donation drive update We're about half way to our goals of having a 1 month float, if we can have the same amount of support in...
please report any bugs or errors. Please report any bugs or errors that may pop up over the next day or so, we have completed some...
Olympic Gold [IMG] The Olympics are here and the medals are flying out the door... Pop in to the Contest forums and try your hand at winning...
Karbantartás (m*) - 2012-07-30 23:21 2012.08.01-én és 2012.08.02-án,0:00 és 7:00 közötti időszakban az...
Hírek Karbantartás (m*) - 2012.08.01-én és 2012.08.02-án,0:00 és 7:00 közötti időszakban az oldal nem lesz elérhető karbantartás miatt!...
Tracker beta testing Please check your messages if you applied to beta test the new tracker. I have sent out literally hundreds of invites and...
Kedves felhasználók! Idén is meghirdetjük a bikinis szépségversenyt! Nevezni bikinis, vizespólós, monokinis vagy akár akt képekkel lehet! A...
Posted by: e* Date posted: 20/07/2012 13:59 Title: YourExotic Donation. GREAT NEWS!!...