Bikinis szépségverseny (z*) - 2012-07-20 08:25 Kedves felhasználók! Idén is meghirdetjük a bikinis...
Donations needed We are still over 200 dollars short of our server payment due on the 15th. Donations have been few and far...
Friday the 13th usillyboy wrote » [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Today is Friday the 13th, and since it is a "special" day, for this Fucked Up Friday...
Support your site We are still 385 dollars short of our server payment due on the 15th. Donation methods are...
Account Security This is a reminder to our users to secure their account information against simple bruteforce attacks: 1) Use a...
Sign up for the test tracker! The new site is almost ready! [img] All we need to do now is have a bunch of testers try it out and find any...
Donations needed More Donation methods are updated/added/enabled, please check the donate page Some methods are still giving us...
Ratio Trouble Ratio trouble? Don't you wish you had a handful of credits right now? We've got the solution! Just to inform you pervs in...
Kedves Felhasználók! Ismét képfelismerő versenyt rendezünk. A játék menete: 2012.06.17.-én 9 órakor kikerül egy kép az üzenőfalra. Az ezen a...
Welcum NEW staff...! We are very happy to welcum our newest staff member iigreatoneii to the EMP family... Thank you iigreatoneii for accepting...
Kedves felhasználók! A mai nap folyamán aktiváltuk a meghívózást. A meghívás belekerült a bónusz rendszerbe, 20000 pontért beváltható 1 meghívó....
Re: hey.fux0r HFU Battlefield 3 Platoon [IMG] Battlefield 3 has reached new levels of awesomeness with the formation of a fux0r platoon: HFU...
Meghívó beváltása! - 2012-06-12 13:10 Kedves felhasználók! A mai nap folyamán aktiváltuk a meghívózást. A meghívás belekerült a bónusz...
2012-06-10 - 15:10 - Seed lelépés Sziasztok! Ismételten felhívnánk a figyelmeteket a letöltött torrentek visszaosztási szabályaira amely...
New rules and prizes on EURO 2012 contest 08-06-2012, 11:00 PM Since after first day and first 2 matches nobody managed to predict both scores...
Update genres 04/06/2012, 11 PM Megapack and solo/masturbation category has been added to our list. If you wish to contribute with ideas about our...
Donation update We have decided to boost the ratio to 10:1 during the donation drive, as we are desperate to pay our server bills. this will...
Képfelismerő verseny! - g* - 2012-06-02-20:08 Kedves Felhasználók! Ismét képfelismerő versenyt rendezünk. A játék menete: 2012.06.03.-án 9...
EURO 2012 Contest 31 May 2012 [IMG] Enter on forums, predict all scores in all group matches and win 10 TB upload credit [IMG] If nobody will...
Donations active Good day folks, We're about to start our donation 'drive', but we are still working on finalizing some of the payment options....
The EURO 2012 Credit Giveaway Extravaganza! [IMG] Attention all Football fans, pervs with shit ratios, handegg fans and even coders! We will...
Freeleech 2012.05.31. We wish to give you some freeleech lets call it compensation for downtimes, now go tell your granny
Képfelismerő verseny! - g* - 2012.05.26, 20:12 Kedves Felhasználók! Ismét képfelismerő versenyt rendezünk. A játék menete: 2012.05.27.-én 9...
Server online again 2012-05-21, 09 AM Pornbay is live again, we had ISP trouble but now it has been resolved.
Update on donations We are in serious risk of not being able to afford our server payments due on the 30th (and of course the 15th of next month)...
Képfelismerő verseny! - g* - 2012.05.19., 20:12 Kedves Felhasználók! Ismét képfelismerő versenyt rendezünk. A játék menete: 2012.05.20.-án 9...
Donaitons offline ;\ working on a new solution for donations. this is getting ridiculous. 15/05/2012
Egyúttal felhívnánk a figyelmeteket arra, hogy 2012.05.16.-án, törlésre kerülnek azok a felhasználók, akiknek az aránya, nem éri el a 0.6-ot!
Donations needed Donations are now re-enabled. Donate today We are still over $200 dollars short of our server payments for the 15th. We've...
Small downtime 2012-05-12, 02:25 AM Some minor problems, everything back to normal.