2012-03-20 - PASSWORD MAIL RECOVERY.... The password recovery system via mail was temporarily offline. It has since been fixed. Sorry for any...
2012-03-22 - Please think about supporting your community by donating Donating is a good way to increase your ratio, or simply show your support...
Forbidden pichosts - all PPC (pay per click) imagehosts and those that have pop-ups Attention all members - please note this As decided by the...
2012-03-16 - UPDATE YOUR EMAILS NOW! you will be required to change your password when we eventually change over to the new code base, please...
Site wide Free Leech is finished Attention all members - please note this Do not complain about stats - it was your responsibility to watch the...
Banned pichosts Following pichosts are banned. Do not use them here at empornium-your torrent will be deleted.! And you will receive a warning....
100k users If you don't know what those rotating gold coins are for next to each torrent, or you haven't read the latest news. Please check the...
Nőnap(m*) - 2012-03-08 - 11:00 [IMG] Kéri János: Nőnapi köszöntő Tavasz hajnalán Róluk emlékezünk, A nőkről, kiknek Életünk köszönhetjük. Ki...
Uploading Rules Still a lot of uploads have to be deleted every day. By not reading the rules and following them you are only causing more work...
2012-03-02 23:58:46 We are in desperate need of donations, to be able to make our payment on the 15th Generally after a server payment, we have...
Bonus system 1 Mar 2012 Just a reminder for those who missed the announcement, the bonus system is offline. That's why you don't get any new...
Szabályzat változás!!! 2012-03-03 - 21:39 Szabályzat változás Az alábbi szabályok az összes torrentre vonatkoznak a Malacka oldalán. Kérlek...
Requesting Tags It has come to our attention that some people are being disrespectful (comment sniping basically) when asking uploaders to...
2012-02-28 - Update: Please be aware, that during the testing phase, you must sign up to a new account. User accounts will not be copied over...
2012-02-28 - We still need beta testers! Come test out the new site, you will be using it shortly, you may as well get used to the UI. Also,...
2012-02-25 - We are still over $130 away from our donation goals for the payment due on the 28th!! I know everyone is still trying to pay off the...
2012-02-22 - We need beta testers! see this thread for more information!
Sziasztok! A mai naptól kezdve az oldalon határozatlan ideig korlátozásokat vezettünk be mindeki védelme érdekében: a felhasználó lista, a top...
Korlátozás (N*) - 2012-02-20 - 15:39 Kedves Felhasználók! A mai naptól kezdve az oldalon határozatlan ideig korlátozásokat vezettünk be: a...
2012-02-14 - Happy valentines day everyone! don't forget to get your special someone, something special, or at least show them you care!...
2012-02-07 - We are still over $300 away from our donation goals for the payment due on the 15th I know everyone is still trying to pay off the...
Ikonkészítő-verseny (N*) Kedves Felhasználóink! A mai naptól (2012. február 6.) kezdve kategória ikon készítési versenyt rendezünk az oldalon. A...
2012-02-04 - TORRENT WAIT TIMES.... Wait times have currently been disabled on all new torrents. Please disregard them if they appear on the...
2012-02-05 - As a reminder to all users, pay-per-click image hosts are not allowed on this site. Do not use them for previews, covers, or...
2012.02.11-ig nyílt regisztráció van az oldalra! Szóljatok haveroknak, ismerősöknek, barátoknak! Az újonnan érkezőknek felhívjuk a figyelmét a...
Nyílt regisztráció(m*) - 2012-01-31 - 21:56 2012.02.11-ig nyílt regisztráció van az oldalra!...
2012-01-29 - We are still over $120 dollars away from our server payments due on the 30th, please think about donating if you are able to assist!...
Szerver karbantartás - m* - 2012-01-28, 19:00 Ma este (2012.01.28.) kb. 23 órától bizonytalan ideig szerver karbantartás miatt nem lesz elérhető...
2012-01-22 - We are over $340 dollars away from our server payments due on the 30th, please think about donating if you are able to assist!...
2012-01-20 - We apologize for the downtime this evening, things should now be resolved.