Website is offline for the past 1 hour.
HTTPS Tracker is offline for the past 1 hour.
A webhely ismét elérhető az elmúlt 2 órában.
Site is experiencing some connectivity issues for the past 1-2 hours.
Website is offline for the past 2 hours. RED's domain name seems to have expired.
Tracker is online for the past 16 hours, after almost 2 months of constant errors.
(HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker is still offline after a full month.
From site's admin: Quote: We would be remiss if we didn't comment on the tracker while going live with a contest as usual. We have different team...
Tracker Neve: PTHome Műfaja:HD,vegyes Regisztrációs Link: Zárás dátuma:hamarosan Egyéb Információ: A PTHome egy...
1. Freeleech for the period 2020/01/24 00:00-2020/01/27 18:00 2. 5000 karma points have been given to members. 3. Invitation open + 1 invite for...
(HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker is offline for the past 5 days.
Website is (mostly) offline for the past 1 hour.
(HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker is offline for the past 4 days.
Website is down for the past 1 hour.
Hi all, First off, I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Christmas and a happy 2020 new year! You probably have noticed that our uptime record...
Egy ismert fórumtól származik: a RED tracker domainje lejárt ( Úgy tűnik, hogy körülbelül 10 órával ezelőtt lejárt, és a namecheap...
A webhely már nem működik az elmúlt 1,5 órában.
Website is down again for the past 1,5 hours.
Site is back up, IRC Services are up, Tracker is still offline.
3 invites have been given to members.
Website is offline for the past 4 hours. Tracker is offline for the past 5 hours. (Seems like a DDoS attack going on)
Happy Holidays from RED! 25 freeleech tokens have been handed out (these expire end of January).
Google Translation: The Christmas and New Year is coming, waving goodbye to the passing 2019. I would like to sincerely thank every member,...
From Staff: Quote: We are currently experiencing a credential stuffing attack. This means someone is attempting to log into accounts en masse...
From Staff: Quote: Hi all, As you may have noticed, our IRC server is currently offline. Our first IRC server outage was due to an unexpected,...
From Staff: "IRC should be back up. We had an issue with one of our IRC servers just completely dying for no reason, so I had to provision a new...
From Staff about downtime: Quote: Some services on our web server were malfunctioning (requiring manual intervention) and we took the opportunity...
IRC Server is offline for the past 1 hour.
Website is back up. IRC Server is offline for the past 2 hours.