Website is down for the past 1 hour.
Hi all, First off, I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Christmas and a happy 2020 new year! You probably have noticed that our uptime record...
Egy ismert fórumtól származik: a RED tracker domainje lejárt ( Úgy tűnik, hogy körülbelül 10 órával ezelőtt lejárt, és a namecheap...
A webhely már nem működik az elmúlt 1,5 órában.
Website is down again for the past 1,5 hours.
Site is back up, IRC Services are up, Tracker is still offline.
Website is offline for the past 4 hours. Tracker is offline for the past 5 hours. (Seems like a DDoS attack going on)
Happy Holidays from RED! 25 freeleech tokens have been handed out (these expire end of January).
From Staff: Quote: We are currently experiencing a credential stuffing attack. This means someone is attempting to log into accounts en masse...
Website is offline for the past 1 hour.
From Staff: Quote: Hi all, As you may have noticed, our IRC server is currently offline. Our first IRC server outage was due to an unexpected,...
From Staff: "IRC should be back up. We had an issue with one of our IRC servers just completely dying for no reason, so I had to provision a new...
From Staff about downtime: Quote: Some services on our web server were malfunctioning (requiring manual intervention) and we took the opportunity...
IRC Server is offline for the past 1 hour.
Website is back up. IRC Server is offline for the past 2 hours.
Redacted Turns Three! (Day One) Traditions. Traditions are important. Today, Redacted is three years old! November 23 will always be a special...
Site, HTTP & HTTPS Tracker are offline for the past 1 hour.
Connectivity issues have been reported by several users.
Naughty R2R/CracksNow (Rule Update) Updates to the Do Not Upload List: Releases From R2R:...
Redacted Statistics - Year Two! We are happy to announce irredentia's second annual Redacted Statistics threads. For just over two years,...
More than anything RED values the security of your accounts. Key in maintaining that security is users being able to manage the connections that...
Site and tracker are down. Staff are aware of it and working to bring things back online.
Database maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience! Hello everyone, Some may have noticed some instability lately (site, tracker,...
"We'll be doing maintenance today. Expect a couple of hours of down time."
We hope this holiday season find you safe and warm with family and freinds. Just a few notes from us to round out another calendar year and start...
We would like three of our community moderators for their service and involvement in building the wonderful community we have today. Forum...
Is it already December? All the delectable music released this past year has distracted me from the passage of time! As 2018 draws to a close, it...
Rec Wars 2: The Recently Departed - Results Quote: Here's the score totals for people who played and didn't win: 0 points - 0 users 1 point - 6...
Redacted Turns Two! Redacted Turns Two! - Day One Happy second birthday, Redacted! This time of the year...
1.5M uploads and over half of that is just "perfect" FLACs. Insane. Really glad to be a part of this community. I wonder what the celebrations...