În curând vom afișa toate torrentele existente actuale de pe TMD, lucrăm intens la acest proces. Soon we will show all the current torrents on...
- Now, from the "Power User" class upwards, torrents can climb! We look for the best qualities of yours. * A few changes are expected soon ......
[MEDIA] We're recruiting Helpers , Uploaders before applying please make sure you have read FAQ - General Questions si Reguli Generale Thanks...
* s-au resetat toate prieteniile de pe site, acum daca doresti sa ai prieteni, trebuie mai intaii sa ii trimiti cerere de prietenie, si cu...
Good afternoon dear SeedFile users , We want to let you know that in the new event called SHOW OF THE WEEK we will try to set a new tv show with...
← Contest Invitations @ SeedFile.ro v2 To introduce competition rules and what is accesta → All users will receive 500 invitations to invite...
Tu dai like, noi dăm upload! Intră pe pagina de facebook SeedFile și apasă butonul de like, apoi revino aici cu un print-screen iar noi te vom...
[RO] Dragi utilizatori SeedFile, dupa cum probabil multi ati observat, am implementat un sistem nou de Hit&Run, unul care da warn automat...
Tracker's Name: SeedFile (SF) Genre: General Sign-up Link: https://seedfile.ro/register Additional information: SeedFile (SF) is a ROMANIAN...
Tracker's Name: SF Genre: General Sign-up Link: http://seedfile.ro/register
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