Our image server experienced a technical issue on July 20th that resulted in images appearing broken across the site. Regretfully (and with much...
Site is down. The server is not responding.
Server is down
Downtime due to server issues.
Site Status Thank you to everyone that donated to keep the place going, absolutely amazing the level of generosity shown! We did fall short of...
bitGAMER Discord Chat! With having to remove our old chat bar from bG recently, we have been considering other options to help our community stay...
Notice: There's been some unusual requests which used all our bandwidth and lead to some interruptions during the night.
Google Translation: TorrentLand (Help) We are almost at **% of donations, we need a little push to complete them, that's why from Torrentland we...
Website is offline for the past 1 hour. Torrent Announcer is offline for the past 3 hours.
Website is experiencing connectivity issues for the past one hour (server is loading extremely slowly).
Google Translation: Dear Retailers, This (downtime) was not a malfunction, but just someone who passed us on to the brain. I know who this is,...
Connectivity issues for the past 4-5 hours. Most of the time, the server times our or just being extremely slow to load a page.
Google Translation: Server move being underway Hello Now time is approaching for server relocation. In connection with this, we will need to...