Site is down. The server is not responding.
"Internal Server Error"
Google Translation: In connection with the IRC server update, please register your nicknames again. Report missing items + v, vhost to S****. We...
Server is down
Google Translation: Server upgrade The server will be upgraded at 00:00 on April 3, 2020, which may result in inaccessibility for about 5 hours.
Hello there, So, continuing the process of fixing and upgrading the site we would like to inform you that MusicVids will be moved to a new and...
Site is experiencing connectivity issues for the past 1-2 hours.
Google Translation: Upgrading work has not yet begun due to server delivery delays. The most likely date is Monday 30/3/2020 and it will take...
Just to let you know that the server hosts will be updating their servers today. This will mean a downtime of roughly 30 minutes sometime between...
[IMG] Az oldalon karbantartást végzünk! NÉZZ VISSZA KÉSŐBB! Elöreláthatólag 16:30 fele ismét megy az oldal. A kellemetlenségekért elnézésed kérjük!
The server host is having some network issues and so the site is down. This is completely beyond our control and hopefully will not last too long.
A szerver leállt
Internal Server Error
" Belső szerver hiba "
TorrentBD Discord Server Hello Everyone! You were requesting for an official Discord server lately, so we've set one up for you. The main purpose...