Dear user, make sure you are using our recommended torrent client for the best experience. If you are using uTorrent, we would recommend version...
There is a bug on latest version of uTorrent which can cause issues with your stats. Please do not update, and we recommend using qBittorrent or...
Yes, Thank you for your cooperation during the last month of February. The site faced some downtimes due to a server upgrade, for which we were...
If you cannot access the site/cannot download torrents then change your DNS to Cloudflare DNS (Instructions). If that doesn't help then...
About Downtimes We are working on fixing the downtime issues. In the meantime you might have issues with seedbonus counters showing incorrect...
Site is offline due to server maintenance! ETA: February 19, 2019.
We have finally updated to a new Tracker Software for TorrentBD. Its coded in up to date standards for better reliability and faster response....
New Year Upload Contest Hi there! We have arranged an Upload Contest to celebrate the New Year, with some exciting rewards for the winners:...
Secret Santa Surprise! For the celebration of Christmas and New Year, 2019 TBD is throwing...