Google Translation: FreeLeech ends. The FreeLeech ends today at 5 o'clock
Google Translation: Closure of the Invite System TSH - User! Since the security of all users is very important to us, we close our Invite...
Global freeleech is activated.
Internal Server Error! Our server encountered an internal error. Sorry For The Inconvenience
Google Translation: Bundesliga season 2019/20 It's time again, the season 2019/20 is on. You can register here and get busy betting, the winners...
Google Translation: AEW Fight For The Fallen 2019 PPV We have the new PPV Online ... [IMG]...
Google Translation: Maintenance work on the source Dear Users, We will do a maintenance work on the server and source on 13.07. In the time of...
Google Translation: TSH Application Open .... TSH users! TSH has the doors open for an application ... You're welcome to invite friends &...
Google Translation: Global Double upload mode activated 2 days, 8 hours, 54 minutes, 47 seconds
Google Translation: Open registration activated Global Double upload mode activated 3 days, 16 hours, 15 minutes, 41 seconds
Google Translation: We are searching you! If you are interested, just let us know or watch the Discord.
Google Translation: Torrent uploads Hi, User TSH would like to ask you if you upload a file according to the TSH rules. You can see an...
Google Translation: Global Double Upload Mode enabled 1 day, 20 hours, 46 minutes, 36 seconds
Google Translation: Registration enabled 3 days, 11 hours, 43 minutes, 45 seconds
Google Translation: Maintenance work on the source Hello members, on 01.06.19 there may be disturbances on the tracker. Greetz // Staff
Google Translation: Global Freeleech mode enabled 6 days, 23 hours, 17 minutes, 37 seconds 10000 torrents reached Hello members, a big thank...
Google Translation: Global double upload mode enabled 1 day, 1 hour, 46 minutes, 41 seconds
Google Translation: Global double upload mode enabled 2 days, 9 hours, 49 minutes, 50 seconds
Google Translation: Global double upload mode enabled 1 day, around 15 hours
Google Translation: New partner !! Hello members, We have a new partner again you can register there. Please behave accordingly and follow the...
Google Translation: Radio Display on the index Members, if you do not see the Radio Display on the index, simply go to the profile and remove...
Google Translation: New Year New Chance DJ KING FRIDAY 11.01.2019 5PM - 11PM FROM THE WEEKEND DECADES OF HOPS Each listener gets 100 seed...
Google Translation: Happy New Year Hello members, And first a Happy New Year and something new (old) is here again. We have the torrent...
Seed bonus changed. Hello members We changed something on the seed bonus. The seed bonus always went up to 99999.9 but now to 999999.9. Then...
Google Translation: The TSH team wishes everyone a happy new year. Happy New Year 2019 And thank all users, uploaders, releasers, partners...
Google Translation: Mega Party on Friday with the King! DJ KING FRIDAY 28.12.2018 5PM - 11PM THE MEGAPARTY TECHNO,TRANCE,DANCE
Merry Christmas. TSH wishes you and your families a Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas!
Google Translation: Advent Calendar The link is located at the top in the menu.
Google Translation: Christmas News *Invite Open* 01.12.2018 - 31.12.2018 23:59...
Google Translation: Mega Party on Friday with the King! DJ KING FRIDAY 16.11.2018 5PM - 11PM FROM THE WEEKEND OLDNEW MEGAAA POWER