In the new version o************** *************** ****************** ****f the engine, 3 new categories have been added: TV-UHD, Audiobook and...
FreeLeech ON All Torrents Free set by s**** Until 26 Jan 2021 (2d 15:29:14 to go)
Invites added Hey, we have decided to add * invites to your group class. Cheers The Leach Zone staff
Notice: Double upload for donations 23.01-25.01 donate
Join the crew! Happy 2021 to all you JPTV lovers! We hope you're safe and healthy. We are looking to grow the staff here of and need...
The search function has just been spiced up The search in our torrent lists had not been very accurate lately. Today we have installed an update...
Google Translation: Guest login will be closed soon Please do not log out of the site or backup Cookies, so as not to be unable to browse the site.
Website is experiencing connectivity issues due to server overload.
Site and Economics Hi there ... Yes, yet another plea. Again. Yet again. I look around the internet with trepidation and sadness. Book sites...
Google Translation: Data loss The website data is lost, trying to repair the data. . . Note: Site is currently offline, again.
We have made following changes to 'Duplicates & Trumping' section in Music rules: Additions: Rule-breaking torrents can be trumped by a...
We need you in "Rescue seed" & Video-Korean is back! First of all, we really appreciate our users who waited patiently for this long emergency...
Temporary issues with torrents pages not loading properly (torrents don't appear at all).
Google Translation: FREELEECH! Time left: 6d 03h 33m 04s
Google Translation: Freeleech 24-hour freeleech from k****!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 hours...
There's an ongoing issue with incorrect seeding values being recorded. We hope to have it resolved ASAP.
The website is experiencing downtime due to server issues.
Google Translation: Notice Currently receiving reports, Xianyu scammers are selling website invitations and claiming to be hdtime customer...
(HTTP & HTTPS) Tracker is unstable for the past 2-3 days. Announces don't function periodically.
Since site came back up a day back, Korean content is now officially allowed again. All old uploads still seem to be lost though.
Are you any good at GFX work?? Are you any good with photoshop??? Can you make banners and icons and such??? Want to be on the staff and earn...
Server is down
Warning: The login page has been disabled. Please backup the cookies and DO NOT logout!
Site is offline. "We will be back as soon as possible... But in the meantime have a cupcake!"
Azok az újonnan érkezők, akiknek nincs statisztikájuk és nincs részvételük (torrent vagy post post letöltése) 1 hónap elteltével, automatikusan...
Site is down. The server is not responding.
Helló közösség, korábban nyitott regisztrációnkkal való visszaélés miatt azonnali hatállyal átálltunk a meghívórendszerre. A sárkánygyerekekből...
Temporary issues with site pages not loading (displayed) properly.
Tracker Changelog | v5.0.0-1 | Update: 2021-01-21 v5.0.0-1 || 2021-01-21 (New) Live Countdown for internal torrents:...