iRC Problems In the last 24h our irc server has been unstable, and finally resulted in irc being 100% offline for hours. This was caused by a...
Freeleech End.. Once again Freeleech ended.. This time we gave you a bit of extra time, and hope you enjoyed it.
7 Days Freeleech Enabled and a small change.., Once again our users have donated 50.000.000 gold to the sites freeleech pot, so...
Freeleech End.. Once again FL ends.. Hope you enjoyed it
Donation Offer For the next three days we are offering Double the GiGs for any of our VIP packages. If you donate 25EUR for 3...
7 Days Freeleech Enabled Once again our users have donated 50.000.000 gold to the sites freeleech pot, so here it is.. FREELEECH.....
Recent Site/Tracker downtime As you may have noticed Torrentvault had been offline for a few hours. According to the host, this was a...
Inbox Message We have recieved, and been informed that a user called al3xfree has sent out messages, offering somekind of PhP software. This is...
iRC Downtime Hey all. Our iRC server is currently having some issues.. We are workin on bringing it back ASAP, so please have a little patience...
Donation Offer Ended We, the staff, here at TorrentVault would like to say thank you to all the users who took our previous...
Site Maintenance We will be doing some maintenance for the next couple of hours, and site might timeout a few times. But check...
Forum Makeover Hello everyone.. The last couple of day, we the staff, have been giving the forums a huge makeover.. We deleted a...
Donation Offer.. Last Call.. Dear TorrentVault users. Since New Year, we have had a special offer going, mainly for low-ratio...
Freeleech End.. Please Read.. Hello TorrentVault users. In 18 hours, the global freeleech will end. We hope you have enjoyed this...
IRC Down The IRC Server is currently down, it should be back online soon.
iRC We are currently experiencing some issues with our iRC server, but we are working on bringing it back ASAP.. Thank you for your...
Freeleech is ON.. Freeleech is back on.. Will be disabled on saturday jan. 19th 2400CET enjoy
Donation Page Fixed Hello Everybody. We announced last night that the donation options was fixed. Unfortunately we hadnt tested it...
Donations Update Hello again!! We are pleased to be able to let you all know that the issue with our donation options has been...
Donations Hey guys we've been having some trouble with our current donation options and we're doing our best to get these back...
Freeleech Freeleech will be on for another 3 days.. Everyone should consider using this to build a bit of ratio.. Just remember.. Even though...
Freeleech is ON.. Sitewide freeleech has been enabled once again, due to the freeleech-pot being full.. This will end on Friday...
Donation System The donation system is now back online. Visit This Page for more information.
Donation Double Up For the next 72 hours we are doing a "Donation Double Up". That means what ever you donate you will get double...
Back after some Downtime We are back online after some extended downtime. I have turned freeleech on for 48hours. And...
FREELEECH Well, it's that time again! The pot is full, 7 Day Freeleech starts now! Freeleech will end next monday.
Double Gigs for Donations For the next 72hours we are offering double the Gigs for Donations, This month we have only received...
TorrentVault now has a Radio station! If anyone would like to join and request songs with the dj that is online please join irc...
IRC Now Fixed Our IRC server has now been fixed and is up and running again, IRC Idle Bonus is going to be set to 60MB an hour...
More IRC Downtime We are currently in the middle of upgrading our IRC Software but have run into a small problem with the...