A Florida man has been ordered to pay $30,000 for sharing a copy of the Manny Pacquiao documentary "Manny" via BitTorrent. The filmmakers accused...
2015-08-28 - 让大家久等了 Quote: 目前暂时结束了排查,修复了已知的漏洞,后续若仍有问题,不排除随时关站再次排查的可能。 出于安全考虑,这次重新开站后强制大家更改了登录密码,请大家理解。 ---TTG管理组 Translate 2015-08-28 -...
2015-08-28 - 让大家久等了 目前暂时结束了排查,修复了已知的漏洞,后续若仍有问题,不排除随时关站再次排查的可能。 出于安全考虑,这次重新开站后强制大家更改了登录密码,请大家理解。 ---TTG管理组 2015-08-28 - Apologies for the long...
All TTG users received the following message from a mass PM but it is a hoax. Their site was breached so DO NOT make a donation. Quote: We need...
2015-06-25 - 动动你的手指,支援你的网站! TTG首款联运游戏强势来袭,速速下载一起来战. 具体请参阅: https://totheglory.im/forums.php?act...&topicid=10485 2015-06-25-- move your...
TTG Freeleech The Dragon Boat Festival Free Leech End time: 2015/6/22 11:59 (GMT+8)
Please pay attention to protect their own interests - To all TTG Member since February this year found that Taobao business Maple Hall (pink...
请注意保护自己的权益 致全体TTG会员~ 今年2月以来发现淘宝商红枫会馆(马甲桃红枫情、突然回来)大肆盗卖本站会员帐号,仅第一季度 已交易过百, 其中不乏持有邀请的高等级会员,并以开放邀请时买家可邀请自己为诱饵。4-6月更晒出多家马甲(庄园会所、王朝波1994、樱子巍 、天天有喜有钱...
请注意保护自己的权益 致全体TTG会员~ 今年2月以来发现淘宝商红枫会馆(马甲桃红枫情、突然回来)大肆盗卖本站会员帐号,仅第一季度已交易过百, 其中不乏持有邀请的高等级会员,并以开放邀请时买家可邀请自己为诱饵。4-6月更晒出多家马甲(庄园会所、王朝波1994、樱子巍 、天天有喜有钱...
'R3字幕組 誠徵人手 字幕校正,條件如下: 有耐心,細心,不需任何技術,但必須要看懂繁體。 時間充裕者尤佳。 DIY者,條件如下 : 有基本的DIY經驗,帶寬及有幾個PT的帳號。 有意願者,請連繫 QQ2810110034。謝謝。' Translate: 'R3...
正在集中进行被停用会員的甄別工作。 甄別对象:2009-02-27至2014-05-01期间注册的GigaByte及更高等级会员,以及未达此等级但上传量10TB以上者,以往无违规,20 13年10月起仅有一次被系统自动停用记录。曾任工作组和有发布记录者可适当放宽。按会员等级从高到低及u...
If you live in the UK and are unable to load Torrenting.com Change your DNS to Google DNS How to change:...
请及时修改密码 近期频出账号被盗,为确保账号安全,请全体会员近期修改密码。 Please change your password Recent frequent account theft, to ensure account security, we invited all...
'积分商城正式开放 目前社区相关分类的部分产品不能购买使用,其他分类产品均已开放购买。 积分商城讨论、产品BUG反馈帖:点我进入 积分商城建议帖:点我进入 积分不够购买免考专帖:点我进入 'Points Mall officially opened Currently part...
TTG totheglory.im News Points Mall notice After a period of development and beta, TTG Points Mall and members finally meet you! Opening hours:...
TTG totheglory.im News Wish TTG management team veterans and newcomers WiKi happy marriage! Total station Free 1 days.
TTG totheglory.im News 西数带您乐享移动存储生活(北京站)体验会报名活动开启 入场见面礼品、现场免费打印与模特的微信照片、抽移动硬盘和My Cloud等精彩互动环节定会让你不虚此行! 具体请参阅:...
Torrenting.com News Our announce tracker is SSL secure now, all new torrents downloaded or uploaded will now use the new address, to update your...
Torrenting.com News Due to recent changes in UK ISP decisions, could all UK members please remove any bookmarks of torrenting as we have changed...
Website adjusted user level permissions, GigaByte level and above to hang, previously suspended account KiloByte and MegaByte may be judged as the...
WiKi Team / NGB Group / Helper Team Careers WiKi suppress recruitment conditions: 1, I7 (more) CPU, 6G or more of memory; 2, the network...
Since the assessment is turned on, the server pressure doubled, resulting Tracker red species, statistics is not normal, you can not access the...
DoA 에서 녹화원을 모집합니다. (仅针对韩国用户, for Korean only) < 한국 회원 여러분께 긴급히 알립니다 > DoA 한국방송팀에서 한국 방송 녹화원을 모집하고 있습니다. 여러분도 아시다시피 저희 DoA 한국팀으로부터 많은 방송물이 업로드 되고...
'‘网站将在近期开启年终考核,望各位周知并做好准备 (translate) ''Site will open in the near year-end appraisal, hope you known and prepare'' 时间:2014-11-01 00:00:00 至...
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a new Torrenting.com Through your support we are always aiming to improve the site for our users. Today we...
Activity details: 1, the station: Beijing Time: at 13:30 on September 13, 2014 Location: Zhichun district (to prevent unauthorized personnel fled,...
关于“立即禁用下载客户端中DHT功能”的重要通知!请仔细阅读,马上执行! 根据最近会员反馈的情况及PT联盟相关站点的积极告知,迅雷普通版从7.8版本开始、迅雷尊享版、迅雷极速 版、迅雷精简版等各个版本都已开始支持加密链接,防迅雷吸血设置已经彻底失效,为了保证广大TTGer的利...
截止到目前,所有捐助已统计完毕 由于是阶段性批量添加,难免会出错或遗漏. 若您已捐助但没有捐助标志的或有其他疑问的,烦请PM我: http://ttg.im/sendmessage.php?receiver=1 此次捐助虽未达到理想目标,但基本上已够应急之需....