donations so far 45.6% Server bill due in 0 days, 3 hours, 58 minutes and 27 seconds.
donations so far 37.5% Server bill due in 12 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes and 40 seconds.
Update The last 2 months have been short on donations but I was able to make it up. If you can afford anything this month before Feb 15th it...
Download Free - Twilights freebies
Happy New Year Dear Twilights Friends, That time of year has come again, the time to celebrate and reflect the year gone, the joy of Christmas...
"The site is open signup for the holidays."
The Twilight staff has just closed Twilights and we are now invite only!.Keep an eye out as we open the signups randomly.When we do let your...
We are opening up Twilight for 8 days from Sat to Sunday 9th. We will also be open Christmas week.
"Open sign up for 2 weeks, please follow sign up rules."
This also covers news for p2pelite and ScenePalace (sister sites) Our server will be down 2 to 5days. Note from provider This relocation will...
To All Members [IMG] From All The Staff At Zoom
Merry Christmas All Torrents Free [IMG] We need donations but it is the time of giving. Please help with the site costs if you can. Please enjoy...
[IMG] Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays All Torrents Free [IMG] We need donations but it is the time of giving. Please help with the site costs...
Well folks Twilight will be 9 years old in two days April 4th. Now you will notice there is a birthday present for each and every member. You can...
Twilights birthday is coming up April 4th. We are giving each and every user a birthday present on April 4th. Also we have really trimmed a lot of...
Well in a while we will be 9 years old. As you can see you will all get a pressy for our Birthday. Also we will be open signup for a while. Let...
Membership drive. I have decided to open the signups for one week.The reason for this is hopefully increase our donations as The last 3 months has...
Welcome to the new server. It may be a bit shakey a while until we get settled down. Also we will be open signup for a week to let some folks in...
We are back up and running.If you have torrents they should be turning green shortly. As the sites been moved there may be minor delays at times...
Well it is the holiday season for Twilights. We are giving giving and more giving. We now have the Advent calendar giving you presents daily...
Well we have updated what you get when you join.The list is below 5 gigs went up to 10 when a user joins 200 bonus points went up to 500 bonus 5...
As you know over the years the movies and also pc games etc have been getting much larger.We had a poll for our staff to see if we could help our...
Invite only Quote: We have closed the doors at Twilight. We are invite only now for a while. We did make our server costs this month. today is...
Since we have changed methods of donations to almost allowing any type of donation.We have done very well.We are very close to our monthly...
Just to let all of you know with the recent PayPal issues we are killing the url The new Twilight will be...
People in the US and UK can now donate to Twilight (if you so wish to) using your Gmail account. Send & request money with Gmail Google Wallet...
Twilights :: News Quote: The owner has paid the server as he received a bonus checkYEY!!! He thanks all of you loyal members for your support...
Anonmous has set a giant lottery which will make 10 users very happy. Here is his news post We are having one of our Big Lotteries, there will...
Just to let all of you know.We are freeleech 2 more days as our Birthday is Staurday April 4th .We are 7 years old We are open signup until then...