IRC User Identifiers is offline for the past 2 hours.
IRC User Identifiers is offline for the past 2 days.
Google Translation: The site will increase the invitation level from now on. In order to improve the level of members and the quality of...
The User Activity System is online and running. More info can be found on User Activity System is in place topic. [IMG]
Google Translation: Website update Bonus Exchange is reopened to User level users The bonus points trading rules have changed: after the sharing...
Google Translation: Dear user, unfortunately we have technical problems with our server. We are working on the hardware problem. Due to the...
Google Translation: Due to the BUG in the station, the user receives the HR warning and list, and everyone does not need to pay attention to it....
Latest user mixes: Set All Phasers To Stun Vol 2 A second compilation of phased and flanged tracks from the 60's to the Noughties from G* Rabbit...
Rules - UPDATED 5th of April, 2019 - Adjusted user group benefits User Groups Group promotions and demotions updates once a day. Banned:...
Our magnet link clarification A while ago I added magnet link support to the torrent browse page. I have received some inquires as to why these...
The 13th Anniversary of the original website is on 28 March. Party Time! Feel free to post any stories you want to share about the site or any...
Úgynevezett 'userbar' -okat várunk ebbe a témába. Legyen az saját készítésű, vagy hivatalos a lényeg kizárólag torrent oldalakról szóljon a téma....
Pls note that invitation is available to rank user and above.
2014-06-01 23:23:19 - Peer rekord! Hű meg ha meg há! Az uborkaszezon elején, toltatok egy 309 ezer feletti örökös peer (kapcsolat) rekordot....
2013-12-11 20:04:18 - Mikulás vége, peer rekord, havi pucolás Kedves szánvadász közönség! Sajnos a Mikulás most egy évre elbúcsúzik tőletek....
User törlés! Az oldalról több mint 200-usert töröltünk! További folyamatos ellenőrzést tartunk és azokat a felhasználókat akik nem seedelik a...
2012-11-27 00:45:22 Üdv! Sajnos a mai nappal 400 torrent és 4000 felhasználóval lettünk kevesebben, egy kritikus szerver hiba miatt. Nem áll...
invites might not really work that's right. we have reached our 10,000 user limit. so that means any invites sent out might or might not work...