Title: Registration & Donation! [IMG] HAPPY HOLIDAYS 2013 [IMG] Get DOUBLE upload credit for any donation made on or...
Figyelem! Hétvégi torrent áradat keretében minden Xvid torrent 1 GB feltöltést eredményezhet,ami a feltöltési szabályzatnak megfelel ! Az e heti...
Sites having some DNS issues. Fortunately i still have access to the old temp server its suddenly decided to redirect to. I have set it to...
We have never before sent any mass pm with regards to server costs but this month we must make an exception and ask for donation's to help with...
Please avoid using the following torrent clients here as there are incompatabilities when being used. Deluge: all versions Utorrent: 3x We also...
Tisztelt Felhasználók! A hétvégén XXX feltöltési akciót tartunk. XXX/Film, XXX/Kép kategóriákban feltöltött torrentekért megajándékozunk titeket...
Account Security Reminder As many of you may have noticed, an attempt was made on 100's of accounts today. If you didn't receive a...
서버 오류 서버에 문제가 생겨 현재 임시서버를 이용중에 있습니다. 자료는 07월 21일 05시 자료로 복구가 되었으며 이후에 자료는 복구되지 않았습니다. 서버 수리가 완료되는데로 서버이전을 재실시할 계획입니다. 서버이전 계획은...
Imagehosts Down 2 days, 20 hours ago We are currently aware that at least 2 image hosts are down on our approved list. Reasons unknown and ETA on...
The donator/vip page has finally been updated, welcome to donate to support Pornbay and help us stay alive or just get vip to fulfill your...
IMG host move We are currently in the process of moving our image host to a new server. Uploading images has been disabled until the...
Hello, fellow members! Due to the fact that we now activated the "dead torrent remover" tool, a good ammount of torrents were deleted for long...
Pornó trackers gyűjtőhelye . Tracker Name : Oldal neve . Genre : xxx Signup URL: oldal link Statisztika : Felhasználok száma/torrentek száma ....
Site Performance We have been tinkering with the site (mainly the backend) to improve site performance. There may be unannounced downtime...
서버 이전을 실시합니다. 06월 17일 월요일 00시 부터 월요일 12시 까지 해외로 서버 이전을 실시합니다. 이전이 완료되면 서버의 주소가 변경되기 때문에 컴퓨터를 재부팅 하셔야 접속이 가능해집니다.
전체자료 프리리치 실시합니다. - posted 1일 전 해당 일시 : 06월 09일 21:00 부터 06월 10일 24:00 까지입니다. 프리리치 기간동안에는 강제배포 규칙을 지키지 못해도 다운로드가 가능하니 프리리치가 종료된...
사이트 초대장 발송을 일시 중단 합니다. - posted 2시간 전 모든 회원들의 초대장 발송을 일시 중단 하며
Ratio rules have been updated. Link ---> articles.php?topic=ratio Forum discussion ---> forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=2905 WARNING!...
Official Banned Clients - UPDATE! Before we start, we clearly put it out that uTorrent 3.3.x IS NOT...
Avoid using uTorrent 3.3! Well this is an advice not that we are going to forbid you to use it or anything. Is up to you but.... uTorrent 3.3...
Request Bounty We have decided to reduce the tax deduction for request bounties from 50% to 10%. This change was made to encourage users to...
Two-Factor Authentication Staff have become increasingly aware of accounts getting compromised either because users are using the same...
Mar 11 2013, 08:56 PM As you may have noticed, during the last two months the donations bar was near to 10% all the time. Our hosting fees are...
Animal Section is back + Financial situation (updated) 4 Mar 2013 As some of you might have noticed, there's a "new" category available on...
48 hour sitewide freeleech!! 3 hours and 27 mins ago [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
Your Exotic Announcements and News Welcome to Your Exotic! If this is your first time here, or you haven't read the...
동영상, 음원 스트리밍 서비스 동영상, 음원 스트리밍 서비스가 복구되었습니다. 동영상 스트리밍 forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=123 음원 스트리밍...
이미지 업로드 사이트 추가되었습니다. 이미지 업로드 가능 사이트가 추가되었습니다. 기존의 이미지 사이트 보다 속도가 빠르며 이용하기 쉽습니다. 이미지 업로드 하기 메뉴얼은 여기에서 확인 할 수 있습니다. kb.php?id=11
Empornium was down for around 10hrs today due to a forgetful clown. We are back up. My Bad and welcome back If in future we have an IRC channel...