Volunteers required for Technical Support and Translation. 24-11-2012 Now we have a much better site...
If you are having problems with your torrents... 4 days, 6 hours ago To migrate your torrents to the...
New domains Now you can access pornbytes on http://www.pornbytes.us http://www.pornbytes.org http://www.pornbytes.me
2012-11-01 - CONTESTS WINNERS The logo contests for v2. has now finished. Winners are wishmaster, neagudenis and Budzzzilla. Each to receive...
Welcome to PornBytes Dear users welcome to PornBytes. Recently we made a few changes: * 100 days of freeleech * new theme * new functions (double...
November donations update We are still $360dollars short of our donation requirements due on the 30th Donations the past few...
New Site Migration Dear Pervs the time has come for a new attempt to migrate the site to the new design. This will happen Sunday 18th November...
Downtime The move to new tracker script was not completed, we decided to put old site back temporarily so you can get your torrents completed or...
Image Host moved As some of you may have noticed earlier xxx.freeimage.us went down. This was to do with moving it off the server used by...
Passwords, email and the changeover In the very near future we plan to do the changeover to the new site software. One issue we have not managed...
Recent News Registration info Free signups are presently OPEN! Thank you for being here.
Possible server interuptions Please note, that our data center lies in the direct path of hurricane sandy. Please be aware that...
The test site is open for beta! The test site is open! We have been working hard on the new site for... way too long! but we are almost there...
Donations required We are still $235 dollars short of our donation requirements due on the 30th Without your help, this community...
October donations We are still $340 dollars short of our donation requirements due on the 30th Without your help, this community...
Uploading Rules clarified We have updated the rules to better clarify what we are after in the way of Descriptions and Screens. The rules have...
Freeleech 14 Sep 2012 Freeleech for 2 days, leech and seed the shit out of pornbay
October donations update We are still $162 dollars short of our donation requirements due on the 15th Without your help, this...
NFL 2012 - Week 6 [IMG] Are You Ready For Some Football....??? This week, check out the game for Week 6 of the NFL... It's FREE, and open to...
October donations We are still $360 dollars short of our donation requirements due on the 15th Without your help, this community...
NFL Week 5 - Are You Ready For Some Football....??? [IMG] Well, here we are cumming up to Week 5 of the NFL 2012 Season... [IMG] Are You Ready...
Update on donations We are $220 dollars short of our donation requirements for the 30th Without your help, this community will not...
theme update in the near future. be prepared for some changes in regards to the UI, taking into account a lot of what was said...
Donations needed We are $380 dollars short of our donation goal for the 1st Without your help, this community will not exist....
A very sepcial Gigs for Giggles. Have you got the pickup line? [IMG] I decided it was well past time for some FUN!!! So we decided it was time...
server upgrades in progress please be aware that we are moving to a more powerful server to accommodate the increased traffic,...
NFL 2012 - Are You Ready For Some Football...??? [IMG] This week we want to give our cummunity members who have a low ratio (.70 or less) or...
2012-09-17 - NEW SITE LOGO'S CONTESTS With PussyTorrents v2 in the midst of going public we have decided to get all you guys and gals fully...
2012-09-12 - PUSSYTORRENTS v2 IS UNDER WAY!! Just a heads up, we are working on our new improved and awesome code, and we want to believe...
Donations If you can afford it, please support Porn Bytes by donating towards monthly server costs, all donations are most appreciated Donate $5...