Külföldi torrent oldalak PassThePopCorn | PTP A Scandanavian Upload Contest For Hot Ass Summer...

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. június 13..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    A Scandanavian Upload Contest for HOT ASS Summer...

    Garghhh it is HOT outside. I go out there with kernels and come back inside with fully popped popcorn. I wish it was dark, I wish it was cold. So to grant my own wishes we're going to have a contest where I'm gonna get to see lots of movies about a cold dark place... Scandanavia. Also, cause I'm bored with old stuff, we're gonna make it semi modern so it has to be made in or after 1940! (Before you post something about how Scandanavian and Nordic refer to *slightly* different things... just know no one cares)

    All uploads with a production country of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, or Iceland AND a year >= 1940 will receive 24 hour freeleech, and they'll all count toward your total on the leaderboard.

    Post your uploads in the contest thread to receive the ONE TIME entry bonus of 10k!

    Our friends at Seedmybox are annoyed about the heat too, to this end a 2010 GOLD SEEDBOX WILL BE AWARDED TO A RANDOM PERSON IN THE TOP 50!!! As well as the usual top prizes! In honor of our legendary legend trza, we will rotate between his old SMB banners for a few months

    Stay Tuned to This Announcement, We Have Something Special to Say in the Next Few Days! - PTP Staff