Külföldi torrent oldalak Acid Lounge | AL Acid-lounge Is 10 Years Old!!!!!!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2016. január 16..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    As you may or may not have heard, Acid-Lounge is turning 10 next week, the official date is 18th Jan so since 2006 we have stuck together and plodded along, took the good with the bad and came out the other end with the biggest Smile on. 10 years is a massive milestone and for that i would personally like to thank each and every member that has contributed to anything on the site from seeding, uploading, requesting, donating , posting and for just being a member. Every single thing keeps the place going strong and for all your efforts
    I personally Thank You all

    Here's some goodies .....
    Monday the 18th January 2016 FreeLeech will be activated on site and wont go off until midnight on Sunday 24th so everything you download will not affect your download stats, which is the perfect opportunity to get you of any ratio holes or move a few userclasses Wink

    Monday 18th 2x Upload will be Enabled so anything you upload that day will be doubled and will run from midnight to midnight

    Friday the 22nd 2x Upload will be Enabled. The party will start in irc and radio will be running during the party so feel free to join in and come say hello BECAUSE if we get 100 users everyone gets 5gb FL credit, if we reach 150 users everyone gets 15gb FL credit. and the DJ's will be giving out random prizes

    Saturday the 23rd 2x Upload will be Enabled so anything you upload that day will be doubled and will run from midnight to midnight and if we reach 200 users in IRC everyone will get 25gb FL credit and DJ's will be giving out random prizes.

    So clear some space and get grabbing, get posting and get chatting and enjoy what you all have created,
    You are all f00kin awesome

    Everyone please take a min to post something, be nice to have a landmark thread for the occasion.

    Cheers to the next 10 years
