Külföldi torrent oldalak BroadcasThe.Net | BTN Btn Wants Your Codez!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. július 26..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Re: BroadcasTheNet

    BTN Wants your Codez! - posted 11 hours and 13 minutes ago [Discuss]
    BTN Wants your Codez

    BTN is currently seeking experiences web developers of all kinds to join our team. We have a project that we wish to hire more developer's for. We don't offer monetary compensation. But you will get to work with a highly skilled and qualified development team and you might just learn some new stuff in the proccess. The specific details of the project will not be divulged until your are involved and have made a commitment. We won't require that you kill yourself for us but we do expect at least some time from you a week spent on the development. We are seeking candidates who are already experienced in web development area's including PHP, MySQL, Javascript, Perl, C++ and Python. If you have any experience in those area's please feel free to fill out the application and we will see if you fit the bill for what we need.

    Some things to consider before applying -

    We are looking for experienced or knowledgable developers.

    We do expect at least a minimum of 7 hours a week from you.

    We ask that only serious applicants apply.

    We expect that you are able to work with a team.

    We ask that if you have a special skill related to web development but don't have experience in one of our asked for area's you state this up front it won't disqualify you directly from being considered.

    We ask that you have knowledge or are willing to learn how to properly use Redmine and SVN as its how we keep track of development and source code.

    We expect all code to be properly documented and that you be willing to write external documentation of your code so future developers can expand on and work with your code.

    We expect that you won't leak details of the project during development.

    We are hoping that we have enough members here with experience in these field's to help us fill up our team and get this new project done. While you won't get paid for your work here you will get a warm fuzzy feeling and get to work with some awsome people to help make BTN stand alone in the BT world as the most advanced TV tracker out there. We appriciate everything our current dev team does and hope we can find people to compliment and work with them. Serious application's only please. Any non-serious applicants or people just looking to find out details of the project to leak it will not be tolerated.

    Click here to apply