Külföldi torrent oldalak Cinematik | TIK Cinematik Autumn 2021 Freeleech

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' CF dealer hozta létre. Ekkor: 2021. szeptember 28..

  1. CF dealer / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2011. június 15.
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    Another Summer is over, alas, and another Fall has set in.

    In the northern hemisphere days are ever shorter and likely rainy. So, to make you feel comfy, starting immediately TIK is treating you a 7-day Freeleech that should suit Down Under members as well, although they call it springtime.

    All torrents on site will be completely free to download until 8pm GMT (give or take) on Tuesday September 29.

    Due to software issues no uploading will be possible for the duration of the event, so this would be an ideal time to catch up on your bookmarks and hopefully revive some dead torrents.

    Be aware you may incur the lurking 502 error, particularly this time of the day. Be patient and hang in there, 7 days is a long enough term to complete anything if you're wise - reportedly, it took just as long for creation itself.

    Usual caveat:

    Don't forget to seed back everything you download to a 1:1 ratio, or for an absolute minimum time of 4 days. Hit-and-run behavior during freeleech is the sure way to hell... and Staff will be the ferryman.

    Much love,

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