Külföldi torrent oldalak XtremeWrestlingTorrents | XWT Donation Methods

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. május 08..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Donation Methods
    As some of you may remember last year our Paypal account was frozen forever due to someone reporting our account. Since then, we have been using a range of services in order to receive donations, they have ranged from Google Checkout, 2Checkout and even Plimus. But each time, these accounts have been getting frozen or totally shut down with all donations in the accounts being refunded.

    This has been happening because someone on this website is taking screenshots and reporting us each time we find a new service to use. Somehow they think that if they stop us from receiving donations, XWT will shut down. In reality, all it's doing is making it difficult for our members to donate, in order to support XWT or because they want to boost their ratio.

    From now on we will be looking into alternative ways to receive donations, and these must include cutting out the 'middle man'/3rd party payment gateways. We currently accept Western Union, which means if someone wishes to make a donation it WILL go directly to XWT.

    We have a great community, and something like this will not stop us. Suggestions and Feedback are welcome about this, so please send X a PM or post in our forum thread if you have any ideas.

