Külföldi torrent oldalak BroadcasThe.Net | BTN Donations Returned!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Guest hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. május 12..

  1. Guest / Guest

    Donations Returned!

    BTN Members,

    Update: AzzA has now returned the donation money; and is attempting to halt the termination of BTN's servers.

    Further to the information in this forum post, it can now be proven that AzzA has stolen funds from BTN, including all recent donations. We are in the process of individually contacting the affected Donors seeking to have your donations returned to you.

    Furthermore AzzA has now cancelled all BTN's accounts with its suppliers, immediately terminating all BTN's servers. Based on AzzA's prior attempts to harm BTN we'd anticipated this and has already moved the critical services, however BTN's size means we will be juggling our now limited resources until we can arrange alternatives.

    While this means there will be some performance issues and minor loss of functionality over the coming days, BTN will remain online and with the Staff body united, we will work through these challenges, we will overcome them and we will be better for it.

    We are now putting in processes and controls to make sure these financial issues do not happen again, including more rigor around how and when donations are used; and that donations will be used in a way to give BTN the best value for its members. No one individual will be able to make financial decisions and all expenditure will be accounted for including consideration of ongoing obligations. In other words, we wont overspend or make financial commitments we cant keep.

    We'll continue to keep you informed, we are committed to open and honest communication and are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have, we might take a while to get back to you but don't be afraid to ask.
