File list

A témát ebben részben 'Segítség kérés / nyújtás' xabadarc40 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2024. január 02..

  1. xabadarc40 /

    2023. január 17.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Hangjelzés a Chaten:
    Le akartam szedni zenét, a világért nem indul el. Nem csatlakozik a peerekhez.
    Pedig 90. en seedelték. Vagy valami nem tudok, nem sokat töltöttem le külföldi oldalrol. Valami beállítás. Szerintetek?
  2. hentes1981 / MegamixTracker kapcsolattartó

    2012. július 13.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Hangjelzés a Chaten:
    Szia! lehet tiltott a kliens amit használsz! A qBittorrent új verzióját ajánlom!
    • Like Like x 1
  3. KingDiamond /

    2023. május 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Hangjelzés a Chaten:
    Allowed Client
    aTorrent for Android
    Azureus 5.7.x
    BitTornado 0.3x
    BitTorrent 7.10.x
    BitTorrent 7.5.x
    BitTorrent 7.6.x
    BitTorrent 7.9.x
    BitTorrent Embedded SDK 2.x
    BitTorrent Mac 7.4.x
    btpd 0.13
    btpd 0.15
    btpd 0.16
    Deluge 1.3.x
    Deluge 2.0.x
    Deluge 2.1.x
    Enhanced CTorrent (dnh3.2)
    KTorrent 4.2x
    KTorrent 4.3x
    KTorrent 5.x
    Libtorrent (Rasterbar)
    libtorrent 0.10.x (rtorrent)
    libtorrent 0.11.x (rtorrent)
    libtorrent 0.12.x (rtorrent)
    libtorrent 0.13.x (rtorrent)
    PicoTorrent 0.25
    qBittorrent 3.x
    qBittorrent 4.0.x
    qBittorrent 4.1.x
    qBittorrent 4.2.x
    qBittorrent 4.3.x
    qBittorrent 4.4.x
    qBittorrent 4.5.x
    qBittorrent 4.6.x
    Transmission 1.5.4
    Transmission 1.6.x
    Transmission 1.7.x
    Transmission 1.8.x
    Transmission 1.92
    Transmission 1.93
    Transmission 2.xx
    Transmission 3.0x
    Transmission 4.0x
    uTorrent 2.0.4
    uTorrent 2.1.x
    uTorrent 2.2.x
    uTorrent 3.5.x
    uTorrent 3.6.x
    uTorrent Embedded 2.1 - Buffalo LinkStation Live
    uTorrent Linux Server 3.0
    uTorrent Linux Server 3.3
    uTorrent Mac 1.0x
    uTorrent Mac 1.1x
    uTorrent Mac 1.5x
    uTorrent Mac 1.6x
    uTorrent Mac 1.7x
    uTorrent Mac 1.8x
  4. KingDiamond /

    2023. május 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Hangjelzés a Chaten:
    Why you can't download/upload?

    Why you can't download/upload?
    Sometimes some errors occur, and the download or upload can not be achieved.

    For the beginning, check tracker status: click.

    Status can be: Working, Offline(Timed Out), IP Address Change Detected, Unregistered Torrent Pass, Torrent not registered with this tracker/Unregistered torrent, Disk Overloaded (in status bar), The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process (notification), Data Error (cyclic redundancy check) (torrent's status), Connection closed by peer, Error: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service, Failure: No scrape please, Queued, HTTP 403 ERROR

    1. Working - The tracker works in normal circumstances.
    If the status of your tracker is still working and you can't download / upload this means you're not connectable / you don't have peering with peers / there aren't seeders or leechers on that torrent.

    2. Offline(Timed Out) - The transfer of information between the client and tracker isn't accomplished.
    If the tracker status is Offilne(Timed Out) you can do:
    [​IMG]Stop torrents > Right click on your torrent > Force Re-Check > Done!

    3. IP Address Change Detected - Your account or your passkey are being used simultaneously for download on two different IPs.

    In most cases, you receive this error when your router is restarting and you have dynamic IP. If you know this is the case, simply stop the torrents or the client from FileList for an hour. After an hour, start the torrents or the client and you should be able to download without any problems.

    If, however, you are sure that someone else is using your account and this is why you receive the IP Address Change Detected error, then you must do the following:

    ₁. Delete all your torrent from your client, without data from your PC;
    ₂. Go to your Profile mark Reset passkey, change your password - Submit changes!
    ₃. Re-download your torrents on the previous location in your PC, to enter them again seeding/leeching.
    Example: When you upload a torrent on a tracker you re-download the torrent and you save the torrent in the location from your PC to start seeding, same here.

    *Obs: IP Address Changed Detected is received only for download, upload you can make from up to two IPs simultaneously.

    4. Unregistered Torrent Pass - Solution: The torrent tracker isn't registered yet with the tracker, you must wait two minutes than: Right click on your torrent > Update Tracker > Start.

    5. Torrent not registered with this tracker/Unregistered torrent - Solution: There is no solution. In most cases, the torrent has been deleted or the tracker may have some errors.

    6. Disk Overloaded - Hard disk is unable to keep up with the writing / reading speed.
    *Obs: It usually happens when downloading at high speed.
    If you have Disk Overloaded in the tracker status you can change the options in Disk Cache.

    *Note! Disk Overloaded won't disappear immediately, only after a few minutes.

    7. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process - Torrent in case is being used by another program.
    If you have the notification The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process you can do the following:
    [​IMG]Disable diskio.flush_files;
    [​IMG]Install Process Explorer - Turn on, look for software / programs that use the file in case, then stop it.

    8. Data Error (cyclic redundancy check) - Your HDD is unable to write / read data because the sectors are faulty or they have gone. It is a sign regarding the future disk corruption.
    If you have the status of your torrent Data Error (cyclic redundancy check), unfortunately, is rather from your PC, the hard drive exactly. Do a check disk for errors. It could have bad hard links.

    9. Connection closed by peer - Solution: You need to change the port from uTorrent and enable Force Encrypt.

    10. Error: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service - The problem is caused by a conflict between the antivirus and uTorrent or the computer memory.
    If your tracker status is Error: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service you can do the following:
    ₁.Set diskio.coalesce_writes = false;
    ₂.Set net.max_halfopen = 43.

    11. Failure: No scrape please - Solution: Update Tracker (manually).
    uTorrent -> Options -> Preferences -> BitTorrent -> uncheck „Ask tracker for scrape information”, click Apply and OK.

    12. Queued - Solution: Go to Options - Preferences - Queueing and increase the number of Maximum number of active torrents and Maximum number of active downloads - OK.

    13. HTTP 403 ERROR - Unfortunately, this problem is not related to Filelist. It appears only for internet users from Vodafone. The unique solution is to calling them, and talk about this problem.

    14. Illegal character found in IP address. IPv6 is not supported - Tracker doesn`t support IPv6 IP address, disable it in your client or network card settings: example. OR

    15. Seeding from multiple IP addresses is not allowed - You are not allowed to seed from more than 2 different IPs at the same time.

    16.Error: Access is denied. ( WriteToDisk. ) - Change download location for specified torrent. If that does not work, run the program with admin privileges ( Run As Administrator ).

    17.Your client is not on the whitelist. - You are using a banned client. Check and install a client from the next list: Whitelist.

    18.Hostname not found - Your torrent client can't connect to tracker. Check if you're getting blocked by firewall, antivirus, etc. - Try typing these commands in CMD.

    ipconfig /release

    followed by
    ipconfig /renew

    After you've done this, close the client then open it again. You should be fine now.

    There are other possible errors that could be mentioned, but the above are the most common.
    If you encounter any other error, seek the staff/FLS.

    Use µTorrent 2.2.1 or Qbittorent 4.3.9 with these settings: Click.
  5. xabadarc40 /

    2023. január 17.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Hangjelzés a Chaten:
    Már működik, köszi!