Külföldi torrent oldalak BroadcasThe.Net | BTN Guilty Pleasures Help Remy Feel Good About His Life.

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. augusztus 07..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Guilty Pleasures help remy feel good about his life.

    Help Remy feel good about his life!

    Summer is coming to a close!!! This means the fall TV season will be starting back soon. Before this happens we decided to have another competition! We want to know what your TV guilty pleasures are! You know, that tv show you love so much but are too ashamed to admit it! Shows like Lexx, Gigolos, Power Rangers and Gilmore Girls are some of our guilty pleasures. This months prizes will consist of a seedbox, bonus points, +v in IRC and even a new car! No just kidding, no car for you*. All you need to do to win a chance at these prizes (minus the car of course) is to upload your guilty pleasures to the site. So have fun and make sure to follow the rules.

    1) Uploads will only count if the show is considered a 'guilty pleasure'. (You know, that type of show you just love but not everyone else might feel the same way about it)
    2) Every Episode uploaded will gain you one point
    3) Every season uploaded will gain you points based on how many episodes are in the season. If the season has 24 episodes you gain 24 points.
    4) Points will be counted on the first of the next month. The three top highest scoring users will be our winners and be awarded the prize. Two random participants will also be drawn.
    5) Episodes must be tagged as 'guiltyp' for them to count, they will appear in this list
    6) Torrents uploaded for the contest must be active at the end of the competition. If they become dead the points will be lost.
    7) Portable Encodes and Re-Encodes/transcodes WILL NOT COUNT.
    8) You MUST post in this thread of you are participating in the competition for us to add your points.
    9) You MUST post in this thread the name of the show you are uploading and season/episodes you are uploading as well as directly linking us to the uploads. Failure to do so will result in forfeit of your points for each upload you fail to link to.
    10) Read our uploading rules

    If you have any questions come to #BTN-Support and ask them.
    You CAN upload a season-pack of the same show in A DIFFERENT FORMAT (so long as its not a re-encode/transcode) during the competition.
    Single episodes for seasons that have finished airing are no longer allowed to be uploaded. Partial packs are not to be uploaded either unless given staff approval.


    A guilty pleasure as defined by us is a TV show that you wouldn't want your friends to catch you watching. Something similar to porn but without the porn. Examples of such shows are Power Rangers (kids love this show, but if an adult were to be caught watching it you friends might have some jokes to make), Gilmore Girls (a show enjoyed my women, but if you are a guy and enjoy watching this show, would you want your friends knowing?). Type of shows we will not be taking under consideration, Lost, Stargate SG-1, Bobby's World, Under the Dome, I Love Lucy and many others. Be reasonable when uploading episodes. Don't try uploading that latest episode of Whose Line is it Anyways and get the point. If so the upload will not count. If you have questions about what is considered a Guilty Pleasure TV show then just reply in the thread or join #BTN-Support in IRC and we will help you.

    1st Prize: 5,000,000BP - A 30 day SeedMyBox seedbox - Custom Title - +v in IRC for 1 month.

    2nd Prize: 3,000,000BP - A 30 day SeedMyBox seedbox - Custom Title - +v in IRC for 1 month

    3rd Prize: 1,000,000BP - Custom Title - +v in IRC for 1 month

    2 winners will get 50,000BP**

    *There is no car. Seriously...
    **Two people who uploaded their 'guilty pleasure' during the competition will be randomly drawn to win 50,000bp