Külföldi torrent oldalak Nebulance (Transmithe) | TtN Happy Birthday NBL

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. november 21..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    Happy Birthday NBL!

    Holy frakking toasters has it been 3 years already?

    It has been a wonderful journey into the unknown universe thus far with many ups and quite a few downs with plenty of learning curves along the way. However, here we are 3 years later and we're better than ever. We have developed Gazelle to give us exactly what we want and that is a solid, safe and aesthetically pleasing site/tracker. We have never failed to deliver on what we have promised you. Development is still ongoing and we have introduced our own version of Torrent Grouping which is still in beta just click on any banner. There are more changes in the pipeline and we can and will get better.

    I'd like to offer a very special thank you to Transmission for his amazing development of NBL and last not least thanks also to Rush and Red who are no longer with us. A big thank you to all our loyal users who have stayed with us and to our new users. A massive thanks to all donors, your donations are very much appreciated. I have never asked for a penny and I never will, ever. Nevertheless I thank you!

    I hope you will all continue to serve as members of the Fleet and continue onwards into the unknown with me.

    // So say we all