Külföldi torrent oldalak FileList | FL Happy birthday

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2021. szeptember 04..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:


    Ziua de azi este una foarte importantă pentru comunitatea noastră. Împlinim 14 ani! Nici nu știm când a trecut timpul și cum am fost atât de norocoși să avem această colectivitate demnă de admirație. Mulțumim tuturor userilor noștri, speram să vă simțiți parte a acestei echipe minunate! Vă mulțumim că susțineți comunitatea și datorită vouă suntem și astăzi aici!

    Mulțumiri speciale tuturor staff-erilor pentru treabă minunată pe care o fac și implicarea lor!

    Vă mulțumim din suflet că sunteți FileList! Astăzi este sărbătoarea voastră!

    [​IMG] FreeLeech Global! Începând cu 4 septembrie până pe 11 septembrie inclusiv! O săptămană intreagă de freeleech global.
    [​IMG] 14th anniversary gift! Începând cu 4 septembrie până pe 11 septembrie inclusiv, o dată la 24 de ore puteți da click pe cadoul din stânga paginii și veți primi un cadou din partea site-ului. Cadoul este similar cu gift box-ul din Shop și puteți câștiga: Upload, FLCoins, Invitații, FLTokens, VIP.
    [​IMG] Reduceri în Shop! Din acest moment până pe 11 septembrie inclusiv sunt activate reducerile în shop!

    [​IMG] Ghiceste jocul (începe pe 4.09.2021)
    [​IMG] Buletin Filelist la 14 ani (începe pe 04.09.2021)
    [​IMG] Find The Hidden Movie (începe pe 04.09.2021)
    De asemenea și alte concursuri surpriza, așa că vizitați sectiunea de concursuri
    La Mulți Ani FileList!

    Vă dorim toate cele bune!
    FileList Staff


    Today is a very important day for our community. We are celebrating our 14th anniversary! We don't even know when time has passed and how lucky we are to have this admirable community. Thank you to all our users, we hope you feel part of this wonderful team! Thank you for supporting the community and thanks to you we are here today!

    Special thanks to all the staff for the wonderful work they do and their involvement!

    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being FileList! This holiday is about you!

    [​IMG] Global FreeLeech! A whole week of Global FreeLeech! Starting on the 4th of September until the 11th of September.
    [​IMG] 14th-anniversary gift! Starting on the 4th of September until the 11th of September you will be able to claim a gift, by clicking in the lower-left corner of the website, once every 24 hours. The gifts are similar to those in the shop: Upload, FLCoins, Invitations, FLTokens, VIP.
    [​IMG] Discounted Shop prices! From this moment up until the 11th of September, you can enjoy the Shop at reduced prices!

    [​IMG] Ghiceste jocul (Starts on 4.09.2021)
    [​IMG] Buletin Filelist la 14 ani (Starts on 04.09.2021)
    [​IMG] Find The Hidden Movie (Starts on 04.09.2021)
    Also, we have other surprise contests, so have a look in the competition category

    Happy Anniversary FileList!

    We wish you all the best!
    FileList Staff

    Forum topic: La mulți ani!
  2. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :
    Happy Birthday FILELIST !!!

    Today Filelist reached 14 years of age !!!

    Looking back to when all started, feels like it was yesterday, but today Filelist marks another milestone, 14 years in online. There were a lots of hiccups, management changes, our domain being seized, but Filelist wouldn't be here without you all supporting members, donors and wonderful people.

    The Filelist Staff has high appreciation for all of you.

    To show our support we are giving away some FLC, but there's a catch. For every correct answer you give, you'll received 200 FLC .
    We have a questionnaire to test your knowledge regarding common settings or rules that our tracker has in place.
    Date and time --> From 03/09/2021 23:59 to 04/09/2021 23:59


    [​IMG] One post per member.
    [​IMG] Do not try to edit your answers once you posted it. If you do, will disqualify you.
    [​IMG] Do not copy other members answers. They might be wrong and you'll loose from your prize.
    [​IMG] The amount of transferred FLC in your account, will match your correct given answers.
    [​IMG] Most of the answers, requires to submit a link. Disregarding this rule, well... you'll be disqualified !!!
    [​IMG] For our international members only, please start your answers by typing EN in the beginning, as for the Romanian members they are slightly different questions.

    Contest questions

    1. Where do we find explanations about ticketing System ?
    2. What you need to do for not being targeted on some torrents with h&r ?
    3. Where can we find the tutorial with reason's when you cannot download at all ?
    4. How do I access my Snatchlist ?
    5. Where's the whitelist download clients?
    6. On BlackFriday, how many FLC do you need to spent for buying Special Rank status ?
    7. Where do I go if my answers are not to be found in FAQ or Forum ?
    8. How long is the period of inactivity before my account will be deleted from database?
    9. The first rule of this tracker known as the golden rule ?
    10. The game Filelist has and you can play it by using your FLC ?
    11. Where do we find explanations regarding Reputation system ?
    12.Tutorial regarding unconfirmed email ?
    13. Where the donation link can be found ?
    14. Where do you make a request regarding a movie/serial/programme ?

    Templates of answer


    1. Answer with link http://
    2. Answer
    3. Answer with link http://

    If you had responded correctly to the above questionnaire, the amount of FLC will be transferred to your account in a maximum of 2 days after it's officially being closed !!!

    We thank you ALL and Happy many years with FILELIST !!!
    • Like Like x 2
  3. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :
    -----===== The contest it's officially closed =====-----

    We thank you all for your participation. Bellow you'll find the correct answers and links. Please, be patient in receiving the prizes.There's a lot of you and less of us who manages with the prizes.
    Thank you


    1. Where do we find explanations about ticketing System ? ( https://filelist.io/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=110866 )
    2. What you need to do for not being targeted on some torrents with h&r ? ( seed for 48 hrs or reach 1.1 ratio )
    3. Where can we find the tutorial with reason's when you cannot download at all ? ( https://filelist.io/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=66968 )
    4. How do I access my Snatchlist ? ( https://filelist.io/snatchlist.php? )
    5. Where's the whitelist download clients? ( https://filelist.io/whitelist.php )
    6. On BlackFriday, how many FLC do you need to spent for buying Special Rank status ? ( 75.000 )
    7. Where do I go if my answers are not to be found in FAQ or Forum ? ( https://filelist.io/support.php )
    8. How long is the period of inactivity before my account will be deleted from database? ( one year if it's set parked, or two if it isn't )
    9. The first rule of this tracker known as the golden rule ? (Access to this site is a privilege, not a right, and it can be removed for any reason.)
    10. The game Filelist has and you can play it by using your FLC ? ( BlackJack )
    11. Where do we find explanations regarding Reputation system ? ( https://filelist.io/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=122189 )
    12.Tutorial regarding unconfirmed email ? ( https://filelist.io/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=91647 )
    13. Where the donation link can be found ? ( https://filelist.io/hosting.php )
    14. Where do you make a request regarding a movie/serial/programme ? ( https://filelist.io/viewrequests.php )

    Until the next contest or event organised by Filelist Staff, we wish you all the best !!!
    • Like Like x 2
  4. CF dealer / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2011. június 15.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :
    Hangjelzés a Chaten:
    sajna elfelejtettem beküldeni :tef293: de a dobozkára kattintgatok szorgosan :tef161:
    • Like Like x 1
  5. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :

    Letter hunt

    I`ve prepared a surprise of my own, a bit late but it`s the thought that counts.

    Since it`s Fl`s birthday lets take a walk through the forum.You will have to find all the letters and numbers from the text below.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The contest ends on 06/09/2020 la ora 23:59


    [​IMG] Find every letter from the text above.
    [​IMG] Every letter found is worth 200 FLC.
    [​IMG] You receive FLC for every letter found.


    [​IMG] One PM per person. Send the PM here: https://filelist.io/sendmessage.php?receiver=1123365
    [​IMG] Don`t ask for hints.
    [​IMG] Anyone can join.

    Good luck!
    • Like Like x 1