Külföldi torrent oldalak HD-Forever | HD-F Hírek

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2021. január 12..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    Disappearance of sedeers on a lot of torrents...

    Hello everyone,

    I make the sad observation of a worrying disappearance of many torrents for lack of seeders!

    It will be very detrimental to HDF the fact that a lot of torrents are found without seeders... Incredible! It is not in the spirit of sharing I find.

    I am the one and only seeder on almost 150 torrents here, I do not find that normal at all!

    Would it not be possible to consider being more united?

    Or, failing that, to penalize people who take and stop sharing when there are not many seeders left?

    Do you fancy discussing this here? Do you have any solutions, ideas?

    For example, I was downloading Star Trek Next Generation and, well, the person who seeded simply stopped seeding leaving me in a jug!!! Not nice at all...

    Edit: Ah, and the worst part about it is that for a lot of torrents, the reseed requests don't give anything, nada!!! There are torrents for which I have been waiting for seed for over 6 months without success.

    So, I'm looking for torrents in need of seeders elsewhere. Sometimes I find. Immediately then, I put back to share on HDF; suddenly, one dead torrent less on the tracker. It must be at least 6 torrents that I share here in this way.

    Come on, a positive note, however, there are some great people here who know what sharing is
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