Külföldi torrent oldalak PreToMe | PTM Invites Announce Take 2 /aka/ More Liquid Manure From Alizilla About Invites...

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. január 18..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Invites announce take 2 /AKA/ More liquid manure from alizilla about invites...

    Recently everyone was given 2 staff invites as a new year's present.
    Although this was successful, we have also received some feedback from members that it was not obvious to them how to use these staff invites.
    Because of this we want to do a recap, and reissue everyone 2 staff invite along with some more information on them.

    - Staff invites can be used by all userclasses and each member with no warnings on their account (H&R, staff warning, upload deficit, basically all "red" icons on the far end of a username are warnings)

    - Staff invites are now easily accessible: look below your username on the right hand menu

    - Both you and your staff invite Invitee will receive a 10GB upload stat bonus when the invite is confirmed

    - Staff invites have a pre set expiration date

    Click here to send a staff invite now

    14 days 00h 52m 56s

    Have fun, invite some friends, and be sure to use your staff invite(s) before the clock runs out.

    Finally, thank you for your honest feedback. We strive to make PTM a little better every day.

    For future reference, an invites article has been added to our Wiki.