Külföldi torrent oldalak Pirates of the UK | PotUK Invites - New Info

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. március 01..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Invites - New Info [HR][/HR] Some of you will have noticed that at the end of our ‘week only’ promotion when we made invites available to more of you, the promotion didn’t actually end and you’ve been able to send invites ever since.

    We had a good influx in that first week and so we left it going and then it was extended to include some Stowaways and now all of a sudden it’s July. New members have been arriving all the while and I can tell you that since the promotion started on the 14th March we’ve had 802 new signups... and that really is great!!

    However, quite a high proportion end up not using their account. Whether this is because they don’t like PotUK not being the traditional tracker style, or they don’t find what they were hoping to find, or they’re unsure how things work here or whatever, it’s clear that we need to invite LOTS of people to get a reasonable number who become active PotUK Pirates.

    So, the first reason for this force-read announcement is to make certain that everybody knows that they have invites (if they still qualify for them) and, secondly..... to let you all know that we’ve decided to leave things as they are because everybody benefits by PotUK having more active members. Well, everybody except maybe our wonderful staff but that should just make you smile [​IMG]. So do keep inviting!!!

    Whatever your usergroup is, if you haven’t got any invites right now you simply need to increase your uploads and improve your ratio and they will come. You’ll find the requirements mentioned in the threads linked below, as well as other relevant info that you’ve read before and might like to revisit.

    Be selective about who you invite. Never anyone you ‘met’ on a site that you could access without an invite, and preferably known trusted friends and family. We want you to use your invites so just use your common sense and be aware and all should be well. Obviously anybody found endangering our security by using our invites in publicly accessible places will lose their account here, immediately and without notice, and their entire invite tree will have to go as well.

    Previous Announcement threads containing info:


    and - if you do hapen to be a new member and you aren't sure how things work - don't be shy. Start a thread in the Help forums or send a Private Message to a staff member or I'm sure any member will be happy to help you along if you PM them.

    Thanks folks.