Külföldi torrent oldalak PassThePopCorn | PTP June Monthly Upload Contest, Brought To You By Love

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' mephisto1 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. szeptember 05..

  1. mephisto1 /

    2011. szeptember 05.
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    Re: News

    June monthly upload contest, brought to you by love - posted by Voorhees 3 months, 4 days ago [Discuss]
    Edit2: There have been some unforeseen circumstances and the IRC will be down for the next 24h. Please use the Backup channels on BTN.

    Edit: IRC is back. Please use ports: 6667(normal); 6697, 7000 (ssl) for now. We have some things to finish up on it, but we invite you to join again. Thanks to BTN we also have a home on their irc in case ours is down for any reason. Please discuss here and not in the contest thread. More news to come in due time.

    A new month is upon us, and after uploading over 1,800 family movies it's time to turn our attention to another genre, Romance. We like to wine and dine our users, the rest is up to you. But this isn't your average monthly upload contest, we have some new features for you.

    The goal line has returned, we want to see a minimum 1,000 new torrents uploaded. Once we hit 1,000 there will be sitewide love for the romance genre. All existing romance movies with 0-4 seeders will become freeleech. Any with 5+ seeders will be neutral leech. Our goal is not only to encourage long term seeding on new uploads, but as a reward for hitting 1,000 we want to help boost our archive. The sooner we hit our goal, the longer these old movies will be freeleech/neutral leech.

    We're also working on some other surprises for this month relating to the contest, and re-launching IRC services.