As suggested by members of the LearnBits community, we are revising our torrent categories. Surely you already realize that LB has always resisted the norm of sorting educational content by producers but rather LB sorts by subject and/or topics. Many "producers" touch on a broad base of learning. LB will continue to sort by topic! Now more specific topics are available to you. Many NEW content specific categories are created! For instance Culinary for cooking and recipes and Horticulture for our folks with green thumbs. A few older categories which blended complimentary subjects will be sorted into individual categories. Examples are Politics/History and Math/Science which are now 4 individual categories. A few "catch all" categories, such as College Lectures and Audio Books are no longer being used. These type "bucket of all" categories just deny specific topics their rightful content! LB Management Staff would prefer that uploaders take the time to thoughtfully place their informative descriptions in the appropriate topic areas of LB Browse. A list of new Categories will be provided in the next few days as we determine exactly what best suits the LB community. REMINDER: LearnBits will never offer or any "Pick-Up/Dating" type materials. If it does not fit into Psychology or Personal Growth then those type "socializing" tips are best sought elsewhere. Torrents are being relocated as fast as humanly possible! We apologize for any inconvenience this process may cause for you, yet with your enduring patience and eventually your reports of torrents which need a proper category, we will all enjoy a much easier structure of content organization. We will consider your suggestions and input about this revision process here. We will probably introduce a contest for new category icons as many are needed. So get your ideas started! In the meantime, new categories have the Miscellaneous icon.