Külföldi torrent oldalak PreToMe | PTM Lots of really boring changes

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' watsap hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. október 26..

  1. watsap /

    2012. július 13.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Hey ladies and germs:
    Quick note to say we've made a lot of changes in the last few weeks regarding accessibility and general security.

    There's been a few spikes in traffic over the last few months from what looks to be badly configured user scripts (3rd party apps, auto downloaders and really bad RSS configurations).
    While we don't think this increase in traffic is malicious, it is still causing our systems to be working 474243 % harder than normal. Ok, maybe not that much harder but still significantly harder than need be.
    Some users have been sent on site PMs as a reminder to get their scripts in order.
    To stop this situation in the future we'll also be rate limiting resources such as RSS to enforce proper usage (rate limiting details in site Wiki).
    This should provide everyone with access to our site and resources like RSS without the few spoiling it for the many.

    Do not add PTM RSS feeds to any 3rd party RSS readers (such as google)!
    These sites will be blocked as soon as they are noticed and at the very least your passkey will be reset, you may also receive an account warning.

    also... nothing new here:
    If your client cant connect for some reason ? Read the Wiki about white listed clients.
    make sure to disable automatic updates for clients (utorrent is super bad for this).

    None of the above should affect any of us regular users, only the outlining 1% of the 1% who seem to be causing problems [​IMG]
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