Külföldi torrent oldalak AsianCinema | ACM News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. május 26..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Dear Valued ACM members,

    As you all are aware running a website has costs. We are in need of donations to help pay our bill for June. Currently our goal is $200 USD, this will go towards both the main server and our reverse proxy.

    If we are unable to secure funds within the next 4 days, AsianCinema will be forced to shut down its operations and all our efforts to preserve's ADC legacy would have been in vein.

    If everyone donates at least $10 USD we should be able to cover the bills for a couple months. Please understand we don't want to constantly pester you with these messages so any help would be very appreciated.

    Due to ongoing issues with our Paypal account, we will only be receiving donations via crypto currency for the foreseeable future. If you need any assistance obtaining Bitcoin and/or Ethereum, please contact us using the link below or on in the forums and social networks (IRC, Discord).


    Important: All crypto currency donations must honor the USD dollar value on the day that you send the donation. For example, $10USD as of time of writing is worth 0.00123000BTC. All donations will be checked for conversion rate on the day the donation is received to make sure we are providing our members with the correct perks.

    All donations will receive the following perks:

    * USD $10.00 - 29GB upload (In BON credit) + 1 personal Freeleech token + 1 invite(s)

    * USD $30.00 - 99GB upload (In BON credit) + Global Freeleech & H&R immunity for 1 month(s) + 2 invite(s)

    * USD $50.00 - 299GB upload (In BON credit) + Global Freeleech & H&R immunity for 1 month(s) + 2 invite(s)

    * USD $100.00 - 999GB upload (In BON credit) + Global Freeleech & H&R immunity for 2 month(s) + 3 invite(s)

    * USD $200.00 and up - 2999GB upload (In BON credit) + Global Freeleech & H&R immunity for 6 month(s) + 5 invites (Members who donate $500 and up will receive Global Freeleech & H&R immunity for 1 year on top of the other perks).

    All donations must be sent to one of the following wallets. Please make sure to send the correct coin to its proper wallet. BTC to BTC wallet and ETH to ETH wallet.
    AsianCinema staff
    "Where Quality Matters"