Külföldi torrent oldalak BeyondHD | BHD News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. június 26..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    BeyondHD has a simple mission be a friendly community focused tracker built for and by movie/tv show lovers.

    It's because of this mission that we encourage ALL members to participate in the community by leaving comments, rating titles or posting in the forums.

    In addition, we strongly encourage members to share their ideas on how we can continue to improve our site whether it be via new policies, additional features or contest suggestions.

    We really mean it when we say that we want our user base to drive us forward. Staff members do not wish to be constantly in drivers seat because we strongly believe that members should have a voice when determining the direction BeyondHD takes.

    Since Theone has been running an idea/feature contest with some great results, we feel it's now the right time to start asking for your ideas for running weekly/monthly competitions.

    Before you hit Google and search for "contest ideas", here are some caveats that should be mentioned:

    1. We want to avoid constant upload competitions (although, some may happen in the future).
    2. Any ideas need to voted on by members. While there won't be official polls, feel free to agree or disagree with presented ideas (constructively).
    3. Feel free to suggest suitable prizes (whether it be badges, new features involving icons/etc, BP, fl tokens, etc.)
    4. Be original!

    We will constantly monitor the comments on this news item and will act upon any contest suggestions that are well received.

    Ohhh.. one last thing. Staff will be handing out prizes to those people whose ideas get used.

    ( PS: If you have some great non contest ideas/features we could add to the site, feel free to post them here: BP contest )
    If you have a contest suggestion or want to "vote" on a contest suggestion, post below.

    Thanks again for being a part of our community,
    - BeyondHD