Külföldi torrent oldalak Asgaard | AG News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. július 15..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    The Road so Far
    It has now been roughly 3 weeks since we opened the halls of Valhall and welcomed you all,
    into Asgaard. When we decided to make this place public, there were a few things,
    we promised ourselves we wanted to make sure we stood for - mostly that we care!

    We wanted to make a place, where ideas are listened to.
    - We feel we've done this.

    We wanted to make sure, that everyone could participate, on equal terms.
    - We feel we've completed this.

    We wanted to give our users, the feeling of comradeship and friendliness.
    - We feel we've accomplished this task.

    So far - we feel the progress we're showing, is decent.

    Although this story is very successful, thus far - there are always a few issues,
    you can't respond to until you are standing in the middle of them.

    We are dealing with the items, that require the most attention from us, at this present time.

    In the near future - this is what you can expect us to make available to you all.

    A set of firm, friendly and fair rules, regarding the use of this site.
    We know this has been sort of a "grey zone" - but we will now define the rules, so no one is
    uncertain of which rules apply here, when using the service we provide here.
    We will also make sure that no one is uncertain of which rules apply - when uploading as either a Jarl or King,
    meaning a set of defined rules will be made, to be followed, by all uploaders.

    We are also in the process of implementing language PACKS!
    Yes, that's right. When we're done with this, you will be able to have Asgaard shown, in a language of your choice,
    on your screen!

    and speaking of sound...

    AUDIO flags. (Yes, finally!)
    We are going to make sure everyone knows which AUDIO files are on an uploaded torrent.
    No more guessing. No more hoping. You will finally be able to set it.

    If you feel like commenting our progress, give suggestions - good or bad - please do so here.