Külföldi torrent oldalak Classix-Unlimted | C-U News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. augusztus 26..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    Missing Torrents

    As some are starting to notice, we are missing torrents. I won't go into long details about the cause, but I am sad to report that we have lost all of the torrents that have been uploaded since July 18th, 2019. Unfortunately, there is nothing that I can do about this from my end, but with a bit of cooperation from site users, we can fix this quickly. All that is truly missing is the torrent files themselves, as well as any attached cover images that were uploaded to the system. We can live without the covers, but I cannot fix the links without the torrent files.

    If either the original uploader, or anyone who has downloaded the torrents, (and did not delete them from their clients), can please send me the missing torrents, I can add them back to the system.

    The list of missing torrents is here:


    Please email them, (and the cover image if you have it), to a*************

    As I said, with a bit of cooperation, this can be quickly fixed, but long experience has taught me that many of you will just ignore this request, and won't list a finger to help. If that transpires, then I will simply delete the torrent entries from the system, so it's up to you.