Külföldi torrent oldalak PuntoTorrent | PTO News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. szeptember 10..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    Official Statement - Change of domain

    Good afternoon,

    From the Staff we want to inform you that after 3 long days we are online again. First of all, thank you for the many shows of concern and affection of all the people we have received.

    We want to inform you of the current situation. For technical reasons completely alien to us, we have been forced to change the .ch domain to .com. We have done everything we could, as quickly as possible, special thanks to the twin web Staff for their help.

    It may be that in the next few days you see errors of images that are not seen, links that do not work, or other cases, if this happens, please report it in this same thread to solve it as briefly as possible.

    After much work both forum and tracker are already active.

    It has been decided to put global freeleech until September 30 at 23:59 as compensation for the fall of the web.

    From the Staff, we ask that you gradually download again the torrents that you had sharing and put them back to seeding to reactivate them again because they are almost all down, however, to encourage the seeding of all the old torrents Staff has the following proposal:

    Until September 30 at 23:59 for each torrent that you put on seed will be delivered 5 GB of upload, for this you must count the torrents that you have seeded and send a pm to the Staff member saying what is your nick in the tracker and how many torrents you have seeded, important that you put the exact number and your nick in the tracker. Who does not put nick in the tracker and exact number of torrents seeded can not benefit from this initiative.

    From the Staff we want to inform you that ALL tracker passwords have been reset so before entering you must reset the password.

    We have been obliged to do this due to a phishing problem (For those who do not know that term we explain briefly, during the fall of PT, someone recessed our page in order to obtain users and passwords from others, pretending to be the forum of PT).

    We do not know how many accounts may be compromised so that we believe is the best option. To access the tracker EVERYONE, you must reset the password that you can then change.

    Without further delay, we can say with a smile, PuntoTorrent is back!

    More information here


    PT Staff