Külföldi torrent oldalak BlueBird-HD | BB-HD News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. október 01..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Google Translation:

    Dear users, dear friends!

    1. The order of accrual / use of bonuses for the 'Freelich' and 'Invite' lots in the corresponding section for the 'Super User' and 'Ghost' classes has changed. Now they are not accrued (because during system failures the accrual was not always correct, 'Supers' felt especially good on themselves), and a discount of 50% and 30% for classes, respectively.

    2. Starting today 1/10/19 on the tracker, registration by invite opens. We ask you to pay special attention to the persons you invite. Please do not give invites to those whom you know little. Do not trust 'sweet speeches' like a good person.' The invitation is not only a prerogative, but, first of all, responsibility. Please note the supplemented FAQ items:

    When the tracker enters invite mode, you need your administrator to verify and confirm your account (it may take up to a day). Please read carefully and follow the registration rules, invitations will not be returned and compensated.

    The user classes 'VIP' and 'Ghost', after the warning expires, do not increase back to these classes.

    3. From 10/10/19 to 20/10/19 the action "Autumn Cenosis" will take place, during which you will have a unique opportunity to purchase the lots you are interested in for half the price.

    4. Traditionally, we thank those who have already supported the Piggy Bank (and, in fact, filling the tracker with new products) and those who are only going to help.
    You can see the report for the month of August in the corresponding section. We ask you not to forget to support the section, as far as possible.

    Thank you for being with us!