Külföldi torrent oldalak RainbowNationSharing | RNS News

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. október 15..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    Hi there,

    This is really just a quick note to ask, why is literally nobody supporting this site? Is it really that bad? Are we not giving you what you want?
    The donations here are so poor that they are virtually non-existent, and it is really becoming a situation, as in untenable. We're in the 8th month of our financial year and donates are at 13.2%. Make the sums ... that's a shortfall of 57% ??? Donate totals should have at the least been on 70% now.
    I am expected to carry site for people to download from, you know what, I don't actually think so. I am not running RNS to try and make money, I started this to give a good, clean, reliable service. In the past 7 years RNS have been up I have literally busted my ass to try and satisfy everyone. I even reinstated the points VIP in an effort to try and generate SOME goodwill, but really it doesn't seem like anything is good enough.
    The past 2 months we've had virtually nothing donated, nobody cares it seems whether RNS stays up or not. I'm short again this month, bills have to be paid in 3 days time and the funds are simply not there this time.
    So, if you can spare a fiver, please try and help me to pay the site. If you couldn't care less, well, then so be it, we will go the inevitable route.. down the drain. That would be a shame, but I simply cannot carry on like this.
    Have a great day,
