Külföldi torrent oldalak The-Xchange | TX News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2019. november 27..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Hello Members Old and New!

    For the older members of the site the first part does not concern you.

    If you are intending to use a seedbox on site, then you need to inform staff, this is just a safety measure so that your account can be marked so you don't get picked up by the cheat script.

    If you are wanting to donate to site, please contact a member of staff to find the ways of doing so, if you are in the UK we have a different way to make donations, also any members who are not UK based please be patient as there is a time difference and at times the staff messages are not read straight away, its not much to ask.

    Thank you for your attention


    the-xchange staff