Külföldi torrent oldalak Asgaard | AG News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2020. július 09..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    As some of you might know, we have had some problems the last few days, with the download of some users growing to extreme heights. This happened because of a database leak we had in June 2019. This was a result of a weakness in our codebase, which were promptly fixed as soon as we realized it. Back then, this was announced in Ajax chat /shoutbox, and in hindsight we should probably have handled this differently and have been more thorough on reporting this to you. For this, we are very sorry.

    The main part of our users will not have been affected by this, only the users who were here in the beginning of Asgaard's life.

    What happened the last few days is as follows. The hacker who back then took a copy of our data, have used users torrentkeys to report a lot of fake trafic to accounts, the same way that your own torrent client reports trafic.

    Because of this we will, to stop further attacks, reset all torrentkeys today, which will cause all torrents you are seeding to become red, and you will, in the bottom of this report, find a link to a guide that will help you fix this.

    Furthermore we suggest that those of you who were a member back in June 2019, also change your password. We do wanna note that your passwords are of course stored encrypted, so even though someone has the database, it is very hard to get access to your real password.

    We are very sorry for our subpar handling of this leak, and for the trouble it might have caused you, our beloved users.

    Guide to restart torrents, click here!
